Socialist DeBlasio Ends Run For Congress [VIDEO]

Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announces he is no longer running for Congress in New York’s 10th Congressional District.

“It’s clear to me that when it comes to this congressional district, people are looking for another option and I respect that,” de Blasio said in a video posted to his Twitter account.

“I just want to say that I love the people in this city, I really want to keep serving and I’m going to find a different way to serve, but I’m filled with gratitude at the same time,” he said

18 Responses

  1. He didn’t end his run. It was D.O.A. He couldn’t garner more than a few hundred votes! The bast_ _ _d even had tie-niss that the Yidden wouldn’t vote for him – so incompetent was he.

  2. This is the only rational decision he’s made in his lifetime. Go for it, Bill! Be a community organizer like your idol, Barry Soetoro!

  3. For this elections that socialist DeBlasio just dropped out of.
    Borough Park is going with Law & Order Public Safety Candidate for Congress NY-D10 Brian Robinson (@VoteBrian on Twitter)

    Brian Robinson Supports the NYPD & is also Very Pro Yeshivas, Pro Israel & Anti Covid Mandates.

    Vote Brian Robinson @votebrian to represent Borough Park in this race.

  4. To put it more bluntly, we all have seen how he spent 8 years driving this city into the ground, coddling the BLM hustlers while he went about undermining every aspect of law and order in the city. It seems that even the uber liberals of Park Slope are finally smelling the coffee. Better late than never.

  5. i’ve said this for a very long time:
    de blasio is different than most progressives; he’s not evil intended, he’s just completely fried crooked brained

  6. Unfortunately, alot of Anti-Semitism was fueled by the anti Jewish rethoric of our past New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio and our past New York governor Andrew Coumo and their ADMINISTRATION , when they blamed on the media in front of millions of people , that our Jewish communities are ignoring their Covid rules. While at the same time they were encouraging “Black Live Matters” protests, that were far more breaking the law. It is time for the Jewish community leaders to remind all voters, about the injustice, and the damage done, by the hate spewing words and actions, of these previously elected officials.

  7. Public Safety Law & Order common sense moderate Congressional candidate for #NY10 is Brian Robinson Congress (@VoteBrian Twitter)

    Brian Robinson was running against DeBlasio (and is running against multiple other anti Israel pro crime radicals) for Congress.

  8. In this video, Bill DeBlasio is correct!
    #NY10 wants a different option, Goldman/Rivera/BDS YuhLine Niou/Jones/Holtzman are ALL the same pro crime Defund radicals options.

    It’s time for a moderate common sense Law & Order change.

    Vote for Public Safety Congressional candidate #NY10 Brian Robinson for Borough Park.

  9. To “ujm” We were never suppose to vote for Bill DeBlasio.

    You should vote for Brian Robinson Congress.

    Google & search up Brian Robinson Congress, You will love his policies, he is the most Pro Frum candidate.

  10. The ONLY 100% Pro Israel candidate in this NY-D10 race is Brian Robinson Congress.

    Brian Robinson is Jewish & attends Chabad in lower Manhattan.

    He fully Supports Israel / Yeshivas / Police.

    He shares our Frum values.

    Let’s IYH help him win!

  11. There are 2 Options in this Borough Park Congressional Election race.

    13 different Radical Defund socialists.

    Jewish 100% Pro Israel/Police/Yeshivas candidate that attends Chabad, Brian Robinson.

    99% of Boro Park is voting for Brian Robinson, As well as many common sense moderate practical voters throughout the entire NY-D10 (Manhattan / Brooklyn).

    The voters that don’t want to see our city being run by lefty BDS radicals, are voting for Brian Robinson Congress.

  12. No Republican has ever won this district, Whomever wins the Democratic primary usually wins the general election by a landslide.

    So this NY10 Boro Park district boils down to, Moderate common sense Pro Israel/Police/Yeshiva Jewish candidate Brian Robinson Congress.

    Or 1 of the 13 other BDS Pro crime radicals.

  13. For all those wondering because our current Congressman for Borough Park is Jerry Nadler.

    Nadler ditched NY-D10 & decided to run in a different district (NY-D12)

    It would of been fun to have Pro Israel candidate Brian Robinson Congress debate Jerry Nadler…

    Oh well, Robinson Brian will debate either Pro crime police defund Dan Goldman or BDS Anti Israel radical Yuh Line Niou or DSA Socialist Carlina Rivera in the end for NY-D10.

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