Detroit Zaidy Biking From Detroit to Lakewood

ptachpedaler.jpgHeshy Josephs, a 72 year old native of Detroit, has undertaken this tremendous bike ride in an effort to raise funds for P’TACH Michigan Chapter.  When asked: Why pedal for P’TACH? Dr. Josephs explained that biking was something he began years ago after a regular physical exam. When a doctor told him that if he wished to live past 40 years old he better bike every day, he decided to start- and he hasn’t stopped since.  For years he is always met with amazement when others hear of the long-distance bike trips he has already made.   This 750 mile trip is Dr. Josephs’ longest trip to date, but he has already biked between Detroit & Cleveland, Detroit & Chicago and Detroit & Toronto.  It is because of his love for biking and others’ amazed reactions to his numerous bike trips that Dr. Josephs has decided to use his passion to give back to his community.

While biking approximately 60-70 miles a day, this super-fit zaidy is also lugging around about 70 pounds of stuff.  That includes his Gemara so he can keep up with the Daf, a Chumash, Tallis & Teffilin and of course all the gashmiyus-dik essentials of the trip such as water, food, tools, maps and clothing.

Both Dr. & Mrs. Josephs have been involved in the P’TACH Michigan chapter since its inception 30 years ago. When asked how this organization all began, Mrs. Josephs recalled that in her capacity as the Secular principal in Yeshivas Bais Yehudah, a mother came crying to her about the dilemma parents of children with special needs faced in those days: either send your child to public school, where they brought home X-mas and Thanksgiving projects instead of Shabbos & Yom Tov work, or send him to a Jewish school where he would not receive the educational help he needs.  Touched by this mother’s tears, and the problem many parents of special needs children were facing, Dr.  & Mrs. Josephs set about starting a P’TACH chapter in Michigan.  Since then, they have devoted their time and energy ensuring that every Yiddishe child received the Yiddishe education they deserved. P’TACH believes in helping one child at a time, giving each child the tools and instructions that are the most beneficial for them. With the enormous undertaking of his one man bike-a-thon, Dr. Josephs proves that no one lives this creed more than he and his wife. The Josephs have dedicated their life to PTACH and to all the students that they have helped, and are always willing to “go the extra mile” for the kids or 750 miles to be exact.

You can track Dr. Josephs’ & find out more about his journey by visiting

(By Voice of Lakewood for YWN)

18 Responses

  1. Joseph ppl sponsor him per mile and the money goes to PTACH….
    kol hakavod….ad meah veesrim!
    bike away!

  2. I imagine that individuals will promise funds to P’TACH based on the number of miles that Mr. Josephs pedals. This is done for many non-Jewish organizations where people will say that they will sponsor the person for $1.00 per mile or some other amount.

    Having worked with Heshy and Betty Josephs for many years some thirty years ago to found P’TACH I must say that they are extremely dedicated, capable individuals who have worked tirelessly all these years to keep the program running.

    This program began with one child in the basement of a teacher’s home and there is now a P’TACH program in most of the frum schools of Detroit. It was not an easy feat, there was opposition at the time from people who didn’t understand the concept of a learning disability and it took much hard work.

    It is a mussar haskail for indiviuduals who see a need in their community. All it takes is a few persons who care enought to commit to carry through a task – who care enough to have mesiras nefesh for others. There are so many children who went through Detroit’s P’TACH program and were helped immensely by it. There are so many needs out there and they can be accomplished.

    I applaud Mr. and Mrs. Josephs and all the others who worked so hard for P’TACH all these years. I admire Mr. Josephs for his bike ride for P’TACH at this time and encourage people to show their support monitarily. Imagine the z’chus for helping children who would otherwise not have a vehicle to help them learn in the special way that the P’TACH professionals teach them to be able to daven and learn Toirah.

    Yasher Koach! I will make my pledge via the website.

  3. Didnt you read the post. Sponsor him just like the swimathons and walkathons that all the kids do. I personally think its great what he is doing and will sponsor him $0.25 for every mile $180.00 total. If only everybody were so into Tzorchei Tzibur this worlwould be a much better place. Yashir Koach to Dr.Josephs. Keep it up.

  4. Didnt you read the whole post. He raises funds when people like you sponsor him,just like you sponsor the kids for the swimathons and walkathons. I think he is doing a great thing. If only more people would be Osik Btzorchei Tzibur this world would be much better off. I myself am going to sponsor $.25 per mile which is aprox $180.00. Keep up the great work Dr. Josephs.

  5. His clothes are probably quick drying for comfort while perspiring and therefore they wash out at night and are dry by morning, too.

  6. Bob – thanks for the correction, I am updating my pledge now. Besides the tremendous effort on Dr. Josephs part, I know quite a few people who have benefitted from PTACH and quite a few who could have benefitted from a PTACH education. I am all too happy to give more tzedakah to such an organization

  7. Bob – thank you for the correction, I will be I”YH updating my pledge. Besides the great effort on Dr. Josephs part, I know quite a few people who benefitted from PTACH, and quite a few that could have benefitted from a PTACH education. I am more than happy to give more of my tzedakah to this wonderful organization.

    Chgoachdus – thanks for answering my question, its unbelievabe that besides biking so long, he also has an additional 70 lbs of stuff on his bike, and how great that among his stuff is a gemorah and chumash – mi k’amcha yisrael! Now, I’m just wondering what he wears for Shabbos, cuz I doubt it is that bright yellow biking outfit? And his bags on the bike don’t look like they can accomodate a Shabbos suit.

  8. Hey draykup – You know the website says where he is you can meet up with him and pedal the rest of the way to Lakewood, he’s about 180 miles out of Lakewood, the question is, you think you can keep up with a 72 year old?

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