A Kiddush Hashem – Menachem the Baal Chessed


by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

It was featured last Thursday on the Jimmy Kimmel Show that was hosted by Mark Roper.

The goal of the show was to see if anyone would help out another human being when the logistics would be very hard.  Most of the people walking by ignored those “in need” (they were actors who were faking their dire situations – hired by teh Jimmy Kimmel show.)

A certain individual Menachem, however, came out in flying colors.  He helped out the person in the Penguin costume – who was in dire need.

The Gemorah in Yevamos 79a that we were just mesayem tells us that Dovid HaMelech said, There are three simanim of this ummah, Klal Yisroel. They are  baalei rachamim – merciful, they are baishanim (bashful – hm.. is there a word connection here?), and they perform acts of chessed.

They are merciful, as the pasuk states: “And He will give you mercy, and have mercy upon you and multiply you” (Dvarim 13:18); not only will Hashem have mercy upon you, but He will bestow the attribute of mercy upon you.

They are baishanim, as it is written: “And that His fear shall be upon your faces” (Shmos 20:17), and the fear that is on one’s face is his shame.

They perform acts of chessed, as it is written: “For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of Hashem to practice righteousness and justice” (Bereishis 18:19).

It is clear that Menachem pictured here, is both a baal rachamim and a baal chessed nd has performed a huge kiddush Hashem here.  Is he single?  Is he married?  Who is this wonderful person who has such midos and fulfills vehalachta bidrachav so well?

And by the way, there was much more to the story that was apparently edited out.  The “mean boss” who wouldn’t let his employee even use the bathroom was given Mussar by Menachem.  “How could you NOT LET HIM leave and go to the bathroom?!?  He is a human being!  You can’t do this!!  It is wrong!”

Rabbi Hoffman now writes a weekly parsha sheet on Emes.  If anyone wishes to subscribe to this weekly column entitled “Sfas Tamim” written by Rabbi Hoffman – please email [email protected]


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