BAIL REFORM MADNESS: New York City Shoplifter Arrested For Astounding 129th Time!

It’s so insane, you couldn’t make it up. A serial shoplifter in New York City was busted again this week – for the 129th time. Lorenzo McLucas was arrested at a Target store on the Upper East Side after being found with about $80 worth of stolen merchandise. He was charged with petit larceny and possession of stolen property.

McClucas has been in and out of jail quite literally dozens upon dozens of times, all thanks to New York’s incredibly lenient bail reform laws.

“These are places that everyday New Yorkers need and these places are closing every day,” a police source told the NY Post. “He has 129 arrests, 108 misdemeanors and 21 felonies. He keeps getting out and going back.”

The situation with McClucas is so bad, even Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg – notorious for going light on criminals – wants him kept behind bars. However, Bragg’s office said that it had no choice but to release McClucas yet again because of the state’s bail reform laws.

There are some people, however, who don’t see the situation as a failure of bail reform laws, but rather as an indictment of the city’s care for the poor and homeless.

“It’s easy to point fingers at a person who is arrested again and again, but we must reckon with the fact that incarceration has not and cannot solve the problem of equality and lack of community resources,” said ex-convict Marvin Mayfield of the Center for Community Alternatives.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. If he is stealing trivial amounts, it isn’t worth locking him up. Getting him a job would probably be better. It costs the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars per year to lock him up. For non-violent “annoying” criminals they really need an alternative.

  2. Obviously we comprehend the dire need to vote for Lee Zeldin come 11/8/2022 and to vote for President Donald Trump שליט”א come 11/5/2024

  3. Wow akuperma, you are so smart. It’s amazing that no one ever thought of that.
    You get the intelligent award.
    I’m sure Mr. Mclucas is looking forward to any job he can find.

  4. Reb Akuperma, I hope that you don’t have a retail business. I’m confident you don’t have anything remotely resembling a real business. You’re either a genuine fool or a successful troll on here. Give him a job? Would he work? No, he’d rather boost clothing and food to get his shekels.

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