CUCKOO: Climate Activists Slashing Tires in NYC and Beyond to Stop Emissions

A British group of climate activists has taken credit for slashing dozens of tires on SUVs in New York City and elsewhere, saying their efforts are aimed at reducing emissions from the vehicle which are a “disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate.”

The Tyre Extinguishers, as the group is called, say they’ve expanded beyond their tire-slashing spree in New York City, and have already slashed dozens more in Chicago, San Francisco, and Scranton, Pennsylvania.

And they’re not done yet. A spokesperson for the wacky group said they are planning a massive expansion of their tire-slashing operations nationwide in the coming weeks.

“It can happen anywhere, anytime,” the spokesperson told Fox News in an email. “If you’re reading this and you own an SUV, scrap it before we get to it.”

The Tyre Extinguishers’ website asserts that “bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth… Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves.”

The website also provides similarly minded activists tips on how to quickly slash a tire, as well as a leaflet that activists can leave on the windshields of vehicles they targeted.

And it’s not just gas-powered SUVs being targeted, either. The Tyre Extinguishers are even slashing the tires of SUVs that run solely on electricity, claiming that even those SUVs leave a major carbon footprint.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. They sound like a bunch of vandals to me , who should be punished for their crimes of destroying others’ property.

  2. They are perfectly sane, even though they are fools. Probably should be considered terrorists, but not “cuckoos”.

    The environmentalist movement has been feeding kids “fake facts” about climate change, so its no surprise some believe the line they have been taught and act accordingly. If car emissions were about to cause the planet to be uninhabitable, their actions would be justified. The reality, that climate variance today is no more than in the historical past, and that we are still in the “interglacial” part of an “ice age”, is not taught in the schools.

  3. If they are only targeting SUVs, they must be anti-Semitic.

    Well come to think of it, assuming that most of them are Jewish, they are probably anti-Frum.

    Maybe through targeting SUVs they kill two birds with one stone: They protest carbon emissions, and also overpopulation! LOL

  4. This article is intentionally misleading. The group has been deflating tires, not slashing them. Their website talks about deflating not slashing. The FoxNews article, like every article about this group, explains that they deflate not slash. So someone at YWN intentionally changed the story, which is so bizarre.

  5. Trade in whatever you’re driving and buy one of the new all-electric Hummers. You will be protecting your investment against the erev rav and being mekayem the biggest mitzvah of Tikun Olam.

  6. midwesterner: Are you serious??? The Electric Hummer is the most obscene vehicle ever created in terms of any environmental metric. My sarcasm was a bit subtle but I figured the reference to Mitzvah No. 614 would provide sufficient alert. These zealots are like the idiots 30 years ago who were pounding big spikes into old-growth redwoods to discourage logging.

  7. @GH, LOL!
    Wasn’t “tikkun olam” (i.e., planting trees, protesting for alternative lifestyles, slashing tires, etc.) the first of the Ten Commandments?

  8. Some driver is going to stake out his car and wait for these punks, and when he catches them he will break all their fingers.

  9. Did you read the last paragraph? You said buy electric to protect your investment. Last paragraph said they’re going after Electric SUVs also.

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