ASTONISHING: Just 18% of Americans Say Biden Should Run in 2024

(AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe, File)

A new poll from Yahoo News/YouGov finds that a stunningly low percentage of Americans – 18% – want President Joe Biden to run for a second term in office, marking the lowest such number yet.

Even worse for the president, there are now more Democrats (41%) who say he shouldn’t seek a second term, while just 35% of Democrats say he should run again.

Since late May, the number of Americans who say Biden should seek reelection has dropped by 7 points overall, and 8 percentage points among Democrats.

Additionally, when asked “who they would rather see as the Democratic nominee for president in 2024,” barely more than a quarter (27%) of Democrats and independents who lean Democrat say Joe Biden. 19% of respondents said Kamala Harris, while 20% said “someone else,” 30% said “not sure,” and 4% said they wouldn’t bother to vote.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. How many times will YWN be astonished?

    Every day we are shocked all over again, “Biden fell another few points! I thought he would suddenly jump up!”

    “Astonishing…” “Stunning…” “Sinking like a stone…” “Another new low…” “Over the hill…” “Plummeting…”

    OK, we got the point.

  2. What’s astonishing is, that there still are 18% of idiots who approve this demented Alzheimer diseased TREASONOUS America hating DemonRat (sewer rat)

  3. The only “astonishing” thing about that number is that nearly 1 in 5 Americans think he is capable of running in 2024

  4. This has to be fake news

    Biden and his spokeswoman said that 92% of democrats would vote for him again so either this is fake news or that is or democrats are so stupid that they would vote for someone that they don’t approve of

  5. The 18% who want Biden to run for reelection are probably Trump fans. They are realistic enough to know that Trump doesn’t have much of a chance if he’s running against someone sane.

  6. So if 18% want Biden to run again, we probably can assume these are hard core Trump supporters (Trump’s best chance is probably against Biden, and vice versa). You should ask many want Biden to be president in 2025-2029????

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