REMINDER – DMV Mobile Outreach Returns to Boro Park

dmv.jpgBoro Park, Brooklyn – Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), and United Community Services of Boro Park (UCS) are hosting a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Mobile Outreach event on July 22, 2008 at the UCS office at 1575 50th Street in Boro Park.  Participants should RSVP to Yitty at (718) 854-9300 by July 17, 2008 for an opportunity to apply for non-drivers IDs, renew drivers’ licenses and registration, or take the permit exam.

“This has always been a popular event and I am thrilled that we are bringing it back,” said Felder.  “Schlepping to downtown Brooklyn to take care of what should be simple matters at the DMV can become an all-day process, but by bringing the DMV to you, Mobile Outreach turns an otherwise excruciating experience into something a bit more familiar.”

“This is a wonderful event and a significant service to the community. It’s great to work with Simcha to make life easier for people in the community,” said Assemblyman Hikind.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. i work in the building (1575 50th Street) and we have loads of people coming in for their cards. Please post that the new office for the DMV cards and other services are on the 3rd floor of 1575 50th Street and their is an elevator through the double doors at the entrance of the building. there are many offices at this location and i find it funny that the floor has not been posted. Thanks

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