UTTERLY CONFUSED: Biden Befuddled After Forgetting to End Speech Correctly [VIDEO]

FILE - President Joe Biden speaks during an Independence Day celebration on the South Lawn of the White House, July 4, 2021, in Washington. Last Fourth of July, Biden gathered hundreds of people outside the White House for an event that would have been unthinkable for many Americans the previous year. With the coronavirus in retreat, they ate hamburgers and watched fireworks over the National Mall. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

President Joe Biden awkwardly concluded his remarks before Fourth of July fireworks at the White House when he forgot to end off by saying “God bless America.”

Biden was wrapping up his speech when his wife, Jill, reminded him to say those three little words. The president, clearly confused, turned to her, who again said, “God bless America.”

Biden then pointed the mic to the First Lady, who repeated it again: “God bless America.” Finally, the president thought he got. “And God protect our troops. Thank you,” the president said.

So close!

Social media users had some things to say about the awkwardness of the situation.

“Unreal. The look on her face… can you imagine having to do that 24/7? Ashamed is my only word I can think of. I have laughed and joked about this human. However… his wife is allowing it daily. Sickening,” a commenter on YouTube wrote.

“A sad thing to watch,” another said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. & mark my word:- He shall keep calling the new 🇬🇧 Prime-Minister Boris Johnson, and sleepy joe shall never internalize that there is a new Prime-Minister.
    Needless to say:- President Donald Trump שליט”א the 47th President of 🇺🇸 shan’t have the slightest problem internalizing this change in leader’s

  2. I’m sorry but I don’t see anything wrong in the video

    Btw he said and GD protect our troops, not bless our troops

    I’m fine making fun of the guy but this is making a mountain out of a molehill

  3. What? She said it to him, he just gave her the mike, and added onto it. It actually looked like a sweet husband/wife moment. Are people so bored they have to find these types of issues? Just focus on the basics like the Tweet “Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.”

  4. I am no fan of Biden and I think it is hard to find a worse President, but I think that one of the worst things that come out of this presidency is that we feel we have a license to ridicule and put down a person for something that is out of his control. This is bad for our own Neshamos and Middos. The people who should be ridiculed and put down if anyone are the voters and Democratic Party who exploit Biden as a puppet.




  6. He’s not senile. To be fair, he’s an elderly grandpa with one too many “senior moments”.
    But elderly grandpas with one too many senior moments should not be running the world superpower (well superpower for the time being anyways…)

  7. @147 – “Donald Trump שליט”א”

    ברית עולם (חיד”א) על ספר החסידים סי’ תתקל”ג:
    “ואני בעניי ראיתי ע”ג כתב שכתבנו לשר אחד א”ל מלך יושב על כסא רחמים. ונצטערתי מאוד עד היכן הגיעה החניפה”

    [It’s obviously not the same, but I think it applies to an extent]

  8. I totally agree with coffee addict and aymdock. Nothing wrong happened here. Articles making fun of nothing are more stupid than the president they’re making fun of. And @The Real Truth, the only DUMB one here is the one who can’t spell. But even you don’t belong in a MENTAL institution. You only need to repeat your schooling, if you ever went to school in the first place.

  9. This incident reminds me of World War I-era President Woodrow Wilson. After Wilson had a severe stroke (which was kept quiet), his wife, effectively was the shadow president. Now we know who is really running things – Jill Biden, a non-elected president with no experience, knowledge or ability!

  10. UTTERLY CONFUSED: Biden’s predecessor thought his position entitled him to do anything he wanted, that the US Constitution gave the US president unlimited power.

    UTTERLY CONFUSED: Biden’s predecessor thinks that (i) he (the predecessor) won the 2020 election, and/or (ii) the US vice president can overrule the election results.

  11. This guy gives millions of barrels of oil FROM THE US STRATEGIC RESERVES to China and Europe and call US gas crisis Putin Tax.
    He tells oil companies to refine more gas as if he is punishing the US citizens for the privet deals his handlers and pupetmasters have made.

    Hay The good people of US if we don’t stop this insanity come election then we really really deserve this idiot.

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