SINKING LIKE A STONE: Biden’s Approval Drops to New Low – Just 36%!

President Joe Biden speaks to the nation about the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, from the White House, in Washington, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, as first lady Jill Biden listens. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

President Joe Biden just can’t catch a break. Despite his desperate attempts at making Americans like him, things just seem to be getting worse and worse.

The latest poll from Monmouth University shows just how bad things have gotten for Biden and his administration. According to the poll, released on Tuesday morning, President Biden has an approval rating of just 36% (down from 38% in May), with 58% disapproving (up from 57%).

74% of Democrats say they approve of the job Biden is doing, but just 29% of independents and 3% of Republicans say the same.

The poll also found that more than 4 in 10 Americans (42%) say they are struggling to remain where they are financially – the first time ever that more than 3 in 10 Americans have said so in Monmouth polling. Less than half of Americans say their financial situation is stable, and only 9% say it’s improving.

A full 42% of Americans say they are outright struggling – an increase of 18 percentage points since just last year.

Nearly half the public say that either inflation (33%) or gas prices (15%) are their biggest financial concern, while the economy in general (9%) and paying everyday bills (6%) are among other financial concerns mentioned by poll respondents.

57% say the actions of the federal government over the past 6 months have hurt their family when it comes to their most important concern, and just 8% say the federal government’s policies have helped them.

“Economic concerns tend to rise to the top of the list of family concerns, as you might expect, but the singular impact of inflation is really hitting home right. And most Americans are blaming Washington for their current pain,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Most people did not want him in the first place, they just did not want Trump – and they succeeded.

    If only people realised that voting for a President is not voting for the candidate who you like most, (Trump has plenty bad middos and he was downright nasty to many people) but for the guy who will do the best job, they would have had Trump in office now and the world would have been that bit more a better place.

  2. Please sleepy joe sink all the way into your Delaware basement to never be heard from again:- Better this way, than my wallet sinking.
    Salivating this upcoming Red Tsunami in just 18 weeks from today

  3. Once voters focus on the fact that President Biden chose a black woman for his VP, he chose a black “female” for his press secretary, and chose a black woman, I think, for the Supreme Court, his poll numbers will shoot up. These are his greatest accomplishments and has healed all racial tensions in this racist Nation.

  4. I wonder why it’s so high? Well I guess he’ll always get approval from the recipient crowd, the rejects & all the people that just can’t seem to leave the Democrapic plantation!

  5. Maybe Sleepy Joe will have better ratings going forward. After all with 36%, he’s got the double Chai and he will need that good luck to get us out of the economic latrine he has us on now

  6. I’m surprised it’s that high. Are there really 36% of people who are so dumb as to think that Former Vice President, alleged rapist, venal houseplant dementia patient Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is doing a good job?

  7. Biden is reckless evil and unleashing a sick son on all of us…..Biden simply represents America _____the one that is falling like Rome and many other nations….

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