OVER THE HILL: 71% Say Biden Should Call It Quits After One Term

President Joe Biden walks to the Oval Office of the White House after stepping off Marine One, June 13, 2022, in Washington. President Joe Biden will make his first trip to the Middle East next month with visits to Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

With crisis after crisis plaguing the Biden administration, a stunning majority of American voters say they’ve had enough and want Biden out.

According to a new CAPS-Harris poll, a full 71% of Americans say they don’t want President Joe Biden to run for a second term in the White House.

“President Biden may want to run again, but the voters say no to the idea of a second term, panning the job he is doing as president. Only 30% of Democrats would even vote for him in a Democratic presidential primary,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll survey.

The poll didn’t show much better results for former President Donald Trump. 61% say he shouldn’t either run again in 2024, while 39% said he should.

Of those who say Trump shouldn’t run again, 36% say he’s “erratic”; 33% say he would divide the county; and 30% say he’s responsible for Jan. 6.

The poll also found Biden’s approval continuing to sag, with just 38% approving of his job performance as president.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


13 Responses

  1. Looks like 60% of those who voted for Biden are not in favor of him any more. Anyone here care to admit that he belongs to this group?

  2. Sorry for the previous post. It is 40% not 60% of Biden’s voters. The 60% number was posted prematurely – a month ahead of reality.

  3. biden loves making “history” by appointing minorities ect. to positions in his party. i have a idea why doesn’t he resign and become “history” as the oldest president to resign and simultaniously making history by making the next POTUS kamala harris a woman and of ethnic minority and first “first man” and first jewish one!!! he’ll go down in the guiness world records!!! pleeease

  4. continuation: please biden take on this offer it expires nov. 5, 2024 only once in a lifetime opportunity!

  5. Why would anyone support Trump 2024?

    Supporting Trump is a double gamble:
    People hate Trump enough to elect Biden again.
    Even if he does win, there is a pretty big chance he will be terrible for the country.

    DeSantis on the other hand will definitely win over Biden, and he probably won’t do anything too stupid.

    Anyone who wants Trump is taking a BIG chance.

  6. @Menachem Shmei
    Dont waste your day. Go back to kolel and learn another few words of torah.

    You are full of nonsense

  7. That number is low. I’m shocked that 100% don’t want Sleepy Joe to move on the nursing home at this point.

  8. Discount the opinions of Biden (or Trump) running if held by people who have no intention to vote for the person in question. This is especially true of Biden, since he probably has the best chance of defeating Trump since almost any other Democrat may have trouble getting all wings of the party to unite. If 71% of Americans don’t want Biden to run, but half of those want Trump (or another Republican to be win), then only 21% of American object to Biden due to old age and inability to do the job (the rest object to his policies). The number that does matter is how many would prefer Trump to Biden.

  9. That 29% of Americans think this mashed potato brained, addled old fool is fit for office is a shockingly high number.

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