EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY: Trump Lunged At Secret Service Agent After Being Told He Couldn’t Go To Capitol On Jan 6 [VIDEOS]

(Kenneth Ferriera/Lincoln Journal Star via AP, File)

Former President Donald Trump lunged at a Secret Service agent in a rage in the presidential limousine when told he could not be taken to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a former White House aide testified Tuesday.

“I’m the (EXPLETIVE REMOVED) president, take me up to the Capitol now!” Trump insisted, according to the aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, describing what she was told had happened in the limo that day by another White House aide, Tony Ornato.

Trump also grabbed the steering wheel of the limo in a fury after learning he would not be taken there, Hutchinson said.

Hutchinson, who served as a top aide to Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, revealed the dramatic incident for the first time at an abruptly scheduled hearing of the select House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Former Trump director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney Tuesday said he believes former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson after her explosive testimony.

“My guess is that before this is over, we will be hearing testimony from Ornato, Engle, (sic) and Meadows,” Mulvaney said of the three biggest characters in Hutchinson’s testimony.

Tony Ornato was the White House deputy chief of staff for operations. Robert Engel was Trump’s top Secret Service agent. Mark Meadows was Trump’s former chief of staff.

“This is explosive stuff. If Cassidy is making this up, they will need to say that. If she isn’t they will have to corroborate,” Mulvaney added. “I know her. I don’t think she is lying.”

Meanwhile, Trump took to his TRUTH Social platform to blast the testimony, and denied that he tried to grab the steering wheel of the “Beast” presidential limousine on Jan. 6 after a Secret Service agent told him he couldn’t go to the Capitol.

“Her Fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House Limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is ‘sick’ and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself – Wouldn’t even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing,” Trump posted on his social media network Truth Social. “Her story of me throwing food is also false…and why would SHE have to clean it up, I hardly knew who she was?”

Trump referred to another incident brought up during Tuesday’s hearing, during which he allegedly threw his lunch at the wall after reading a story by The Associated Press from early December 2020, detailing that then – Attorney General Bill Barr did not find widespread fraud in the election.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. Go ahead swampers. Keep focusing on Trump and bring him into the headlines. You’ll very soon regret it.. (and then you’ll come up with another phony scheme…)

  2. you call him only a liar??
    he is a rabble rouser demagogue, con-artist, lecher, sore loser.
    orthodox jews who support him, are , hmmm, what’s the word? naive? looney? meshugah?

  3. MDschmek: Won’t bother responding since at this point we can be fairly confident that those who continue to defend this lunatic and his lies will find that it ends badly for them.

  4. I trust nothing coming out of this hollow political theatre, but an even stronger emotion is apathy… The only people who still care about Trump are the troglodytes clawing for a distraction from the economic death spiral that the Democrats’ policies have put us into.

  5. I’m not surprised trump is a socialist dictator he gets what he wants and he even turns on his own daughter,
    That orange man should be locked up for 10 years in prison

  6. Ms Hutchinson was precise in her testimony and is believable because she’s a Republican, she supported and voted for Trump and has nothing to gain from testifying. Her testimony was not different than the video testimony from months ago. In fact she will probably have to go into hiding because of death threats from Trump’s hordes.
    If Trump disagrees with anything that Ms Hutchinson testified to he should voluntarily appear before the committee and provide his testimony under oath.
    Has anyone noticed that for some unknown reason the man is obsessed with crowd size as demonstrated on Inauguration day and January 6th.

  7. How nuts are you people get off of yeshiva world and go into the yeshiva and maybe you will get a new brain. The media has been trying to frame him from the day he took office and just because they have some witness claiming that this stuff happened sways you now. Without cross examination. Without testimony from secret service agent. You people are disgusting after all trump did for the us and Israel this is the Hakaras hatov. nuts

  8. we need trump in the driver’s seat again, not as a backseat driver! lets give him the steering wheel!
    disclaimer: this comment is for humor purposes only. and not to discredit or credit this story. p.s. paid for by self driving car company waymo!

  9. Trump attacking his Secret Service detail is not the explosive part of the testimony. Yet it seems to be the only thing YWN wants to talk about. Where is the coverage of the coup-parts of the coup? Where is Trump’s sworn testimony? He should have equal time under oath.

  10. This maase is a tremendous chizuq for our community: make sure your kinderlach do not throw food at the walls 🧱, do not read newspapers 📰 at the shulchan, do not curse vice president, and don’t lung at the wheel when mommy is driving. There’s always an eye 👁️ that watches and a mouth 👄 that can report their misbehavior to the melachim and umos haolam

  11. This is fake news. Even Hutchinson only claimed hearsay. It should never have been admissible. This is the most corrupt legal proceedings since Trump’s impeachment hearings.

  12. All these accusations are factually absolutely impossible to have been committed, hence these false accusations are an absolute total sham, as is entire January 6th commission, and all of this American taxpayers hard earned money is being wasted on a scam fueled by hatred, and would be much better spent on building this railway tunnel under the Hudson at once.

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