S.C.H.I. Auction Tonight!

SCHI.jpgS.C.H.I. – Four letters that have changed the face of Special Education in Lakewood and its surrounding areas. A small word for a mosad whose mission is larger than life.

SCHI, the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, was founded fourteen years ago in response to pleas from families desperate for an educational system that would meet the myriad needs of their handicapped children. SCHI rose to the challenge with skilled teachers and therapists, advanced programs, and a dedication to excellence. But it didn’t stop there. Working with experts in every field of therapy and child development, the founders of SCHI designed a state of the art campus that would give its children the best chances of success.

SCHI was built on the hopes of every parent of a handicapped child. On the dreams of a faculty and administration that spares no effort to ensure that each precious student succeeds to his or her fullest potential. On the will and determination of the one hundred and fifty children who work so hard to overcome the challenges that fill their days.

SCHI has made its mark on the lives of so many families. Now, with rising costs and the determination to give each child the best education available, SCHI is turning to its friends and supporters for help. On July 15, SCHI will host “Gifts,” a Chinese Auction for women at the new school campus.

The program:

*Mrs. Lauren Roth, a sister of a special needs child and a dynamic speaker, will be the perfect M.C. for the evening. She will introduce the speakers and share some of her personal experiences with special children.

*Mrs. Shaindy Schorr, noted teacher and speaker, will talk about her personal experiences as a SCHI mother.

*Mrs. Julia Blume will present a musical narrative that touches upon her return to Yiddishkeit and her talents as a performer, with new experiences and compositions to share with the audience.

*A barbecue dinner by Greenwald Caterers will be served, along with an inspirational video, and a Chinese Auction – a great opportunity to win fabulous prizes.

SCHI has become a beloved word for the many families whose lives it has impacted. In truth, SCHI’s children are all of our children. This upcoming Chinese Auction is an opportunity for all of us to show our support for SCHI, and give our generous gifts to its precious students.

For a complete list of prizes, please visit www.schigifts.org or call 732-886-0900 ext. 1610.

3 Responses

  1. this organization is incredible
    even more incredible i find, is that many of the volunteers have no ulterior motive to help, other then the sake of chessed!
    what a great zchus to be involved in this great event, especailly before the 3 weeks, when we need to show “ahava’s chinaam”


  2. As a parent who has directly benefited from SCHI – this is an amazing organization. When my child needed a type of therapy which was not common – Rabbi Benstein and others at SCHI went and learned how to do this type of therapy, even though it was unique for my child! They put their heart and soul into these special heilige children.

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