JARRING: Man Shot in Attempted Carjacking Outside HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky’s Home in Philadelphia

A terrifying incident occurred near the home of Manhig- and Gadol Hador HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit”a on Tuesday night, when a college student was shot during an attempted carjacking.

The incident occurred at around 10:40 pm outside HaRav Shmuel’s home on Upland Way, near the famed Philadelphia Yeshiva that he has led for decades.

The victim, who lives on the street, pulled up to his apartment after driving back from college and stepped out, only to be confronted by two males wearing masks and hooded sweatshirts, who had arrived at the location in a black minivan.

Police say the suspects attempted to grab the student’s keys and get into his car, but a struggle ensued, thwarting their plans for an easy getaway. In desperation, the suspects beat their victim over the head before shooting him in the knee and then fleeing in the van they came with.

The victim was taken to Lankenau Medical Center in stable condition. The suspects have yet to be apprehended, with police searching for surveillance footage to assist in their investigation.

Philadelphia Police Captain John Walker noted that the neighborhood is generally quiet and crime-free.

“It’s a relatively quiet area of Overbrook Farms, no instances here, just concerned obviously because this kid was at the school this evening, coming home to obviously rest for the rest of the evening,” Walker said. “He had an event at the school in the morning, and he gets shot over the course of this attempted carjacking.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. This is very very very important news for Klal Yisroel to be thinking about, as it was right near R Shmuel’s house, so EVERYONE needs to know about it. It is actually ironic how R’ Shmuel would be the first person to say NOT to share this story.
    And to all those parents with kids in Yeshiva there who will be nervous for a few more weeks, we are sorry YWN does this, with no ability to weigh ramifications and no sense of real responsibility.

  2. if there was a leak of this news it is all from above….what is sad the continuity of lies the one has to tell themselves as a frum jew the benefits to live outside of Israel knowing full well their is a metaphysical measure that changes would occur if more jews lived in Israel than outside, do not weep to me over this balagan, share this story and protect more kids who will in their daze from learning walk in joy and not careful at all….lets just Bless that we open our eyes and stiffen our necks …..

  3. Why are Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky and his Kehillah living in Philadelphia anyway?

    Wouldn’t it be better to come to Eretz Yisroel and be with the rest of the Yidden?

  4. Stuff like this never happens in Republican strongholds like Uvedale Tx, where they gun down 20 kids while armed to the teeth Republican hired police cower outside the door.

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