Australian State Outlaws Public Displays of Nazi Swastikas

A young boy is seen carrying a placard titled 'No Nazis' during a demonstration outside Milo Yiannopoulos's sold out show at the Melbourne Pavilion in Melbourne, Australia, on Dec. 4, 2017. Victoria has become the first Australian jurisdiction to ban the Nazi swastika, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 and takes effect in 6 months. (James Ross /AAP Image via AP)

An Australian state has become the first in the country to pass a law banning the public display of Nazi swastikas, as concerns grow about the rate at which local young people are being radicalized.

The Parliament of Victoria, Australia’s second-most populous state, passed laws late Tuesday that set penalties of 22,000 Australian dollars ($15,213) and 12 months in prison for displaying the Nazi swastika, or Hakenkreuz.

Dvir Abramovich, chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission, which fights antisemitism, said Wednesday he expected Australia’s most populous state, New South Wales, and the states of Queensland and Tasmania will soon pass similar laws.

“The fact that we’ve got a resurgent white supremacist and neo-Nazi movement is a cause for concern in every state,” said Abramovich, who lives in the Victorian capital, Melbourne.

“What the bill does is to say to those forces of evil that are trying to break our spirit and instill fear that the law’s no longer on their side,” he added.

Abramovich began a national campaign to ban the Nazi symbol five years ago.

The law becomes official in two weeks and the ban takes effect six months later following a public education campaign.

The law does not prohibit the display of swastikas in certain religious and cultural contexts. The swastika for Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and other faith communities was an ancient and sacred symbol, a Victoria government statement said.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said she was proud the law had passed with the support of opposition lawmakers.

“I’m glad to see that no matter what side of politics, we can agree that this vile behavior will not be tolerated in Victoria,” Symes said.

Mike Burgess, directory-general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the nation’s main domestic spy agency, said in his annual threat assessment in February that concerns were growing about the rate at which young people were being radicalized.

Children as young as 13 were embracing extremism, both religiously and ideologically motivated, Burgess said.

Three years ago, minors represented less than 3% of ASIO’s new counter-terrorism investigations. Last year, they accounted for 15% of such investigations and most of ASIO’s highest-priority investigations, Burgess said.


2 Responses

  1. This is what happens when you have no constitutional protection for the freedom of speech. First they go after speech that nobody likes anyway; then they go after our speech. Freedom can’t be cut into pieces; if anyone is not free nobody is free. That’s why our founders were careful to protect all speech, no matter how unpopular. They knew that popular speech needs no protection; the more unpopular an opinion is the more protection it needs, and you don’t get more unpopular than nazi and communist symbols.

    Tell me why a swastika should be banned, but a hammer and sickle, or a picture of Che Guevarra should not be. Communism is no less evil than nazism, and Guevarra no less evil than Hitler. And once those are banned, guess what’s next on the chopping block? Israeli flags that represent oppression of the poor “Palestinians”, and the Torah that bans intermarriage, provides capital punishment for immorality, and commands genocide of Amalek.

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