WORLD WAR? Trump Warns Biden Bringing World to the Precipice of Disaster

(Kenneth Ferriera/Lincoln Journal Star via AP, File)

Former President Donald Trump issued a stark warning Monday night, saying that President Joe Biden is rapidly bringing the world to the point of no return in its inching towards a global war.

“Our country is in a lot of trouble,” Trump said in an interview with Newsmax. “Our country has never been like this. And we’re in serious danger with what’s going on in Ukraine and with Russia. You could end up with a world war the way they’re handling it. It’s crazy what they’re doing. It’s crazy.”

Trump noted that Iran is quickly moving to become a nuclear power, China is gradually becoming a superpower, and that the Ukraine-Russia war could ignite into a global war because the United States is “not respected” around the world.

“You can’t rely on China to make America great again, that I can tell you,” Trump said.

“Our country is doing very badly – doing badly, I think, in every respect. I don’t think it’s ever been so low, and we’re in great danger of a world war,” he added.

The former president also touched on the souring economy and inflation, saying that his policies would have kept the economy strong.

“They were coasting on our great policy,” Trump said. “They’re not taking the oil. They’re not using the liquid gold, as I call it. They’re not using it. Instead, we’re buying it from other people and paying top dollar. It’s crazy.”

Asked whether anything could stop him from mounting another bid for the presidency in 2024, Trump implied that the answer was no.

“Well, I have to say I love our country. I’ll do what’s right for the country,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. President Donald Trump is 1000% correct, because under President Donald Trump, absolutely zero% chance that putin would have raided 🇺🇦

    Needless to say, We Deplorables are voting en-masse for President Donald Trump, come November 2024

  2. “Needless to say, We Deplorables are voting en-masse”…for the Trumpkopf….

    At least you got one thing right.

  3. Can’t Donald Trump just call his friend Vlad Putin and ask him to withdraw from the Ukraine to end a world conflict?

  4. “Asked whether anything could stop him from mounting another bid for the presidency in 2024, Trump implied that the answer was no….”

    Well, sort of, unless he is too busy making license plates at Otisville to campaign.

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