Triple Vaxxed And Double Boosted Fauci Tests Positive For COVID-19

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious diseases expert, tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday but is experiencing “mild symptoms,” the National Institutes of Health said.

“He is fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice,” the agency said. “He is currently experiencing mild symptoms. Dr. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from his home. He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. More fake news from YWN. If Fauci were triple vaxxed as the headline claims, how could he catchcthe disease hes vaccinated against? A vaccine by definition inoculates one against disease. You should amend your headline or at very least put “triple vaxxed” in scare quotes.

  2. Can someone explain why there are still mandates in place forcing people to get this vaccine ? Because the justification for making people give up their autonomy and subjecting them to a medical procedure they may not want or need, was deemed acceptable because obviously if you didn’t get it you were a disease carrying filthy human being with no regard for human life. So apparently now quadruple vaxxed people are still able to transmit this virus it means the justification no longer exists.

  3. These articles are really getting silly. Just about everyone who understands vaccines and the Omicron Covid variant has said they do NOT guarantee protection against a positive set. In fact, in his most recent briefing in May, Fauci said that at some point EVERYONE is likely to test positive. The real benefit of the vaccine has been to substantially reduce the risk of a serious infection, hospitalization and morbidity. Just about every data metric supports the latter.

  4. He probably really has Monkey Pox & they’re covering it up saying it’s Covid. I always thought he was a little wishy washy!

  5. @jew yorker @Gadolhadorah
    inoculation = inserting a pathogen (or in mRNAs case, the instructions to create one) would be the more correct definition.
    The FDA changed in 2019 the definition of a vaccine, were it no longer confers protecting against infection. The prior legacy definition of a vaccine however did.

    The reason the shot is so innefective is because the strain in the jab is for the original virus that no longer exists anywhere in the world. Don’t worry, Fucci should nevertheless be okay, since by his own admission he vitamins up with other immunity boosters.

  6. Please feel free not to post this.
    It’s one to publish a headline that’s totally misleading but it’s a whole different thing publishing it when it may have life and death ramifications. Since this headline seems to show a chiddush that even though he was tripled vaxxed he got COVID. As if the vaccine is supposed to stop you from getting COVID. It’s supposed to help you to prevent becoming seriously sick and death. Please refrain from publishing misleading statements in especially such important matters.

  7. But, wait a minute, didn’t Reb False See tell us that the pandemic was over and ask the indicators were pointing to its end. Maybe False See needs to stay double masked up and not attend any more events and impose a self-mandate. Also, Dr. Gadolhadorah, you are covering for False See, he originally told us that the vaccines would prevent infection and then changed his tune. Nice try, but your hero and ruler False See doesn’t get a pass on this one .

  8. Sure. Gadol,
    nevertheless , now that everyone will get it regardless there isn’t a very good argument against personal choice. If I want to choose to be foolish enough to take the risks I choose, what’s the argument against?

  9. Gadol Hadorah, if the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or transmission why have Dr. Falsi and the late Joe Biden teamed up to deprive so many people of their liberties for refusal to submit to this fake “vaccine”?

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