Trump Demolishing DeSantis in 2024 Club for Growth Polling

(AP Photo/Butch Dill, File)

If former President Donald Trump faces Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the 2024 GOP primaries, he will “handily” defeat him in nearly every state, according to polling from the conservative Club for Growth.

“As Trump prepares to possibly announce his campaign in the next two months, multiple sources say the Club for Growth has regularly tested Trump v. Desantis in its polls in different states. A Club official insists it’s been to test Trump’s strength in the party,” NYT reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted.

“Through a spokesman, a Club official says Trump wins ‘handily’ in every state but Georgia,” she wrote.

The fact that Club for Growth is polling a head-to-head matchup between the former president and current governor is a further sign of what conservatives expect to happen in 2024. Trump has been openly signaling that he plans to mount another bid for the White House, and DeSantis hasn’t shied away from rumors that he is planning a run, as well.

A recent poll from the University of Massachusetts found that 55% of Republican voters continue to support Trump as the first choice for their party’s nominee in the 2024. However, DeSantis has been consistently beating Trump in recent straw poll at various conservative events, indicating that he may be in a more powerful position than is believed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Will the voters in the 2024 Republican primaries want to send a MAGA message to the country, or would they rather send a Republican president to the White House. The cure for inflation is to reduce government spending (not something Trump was ever inclined towards, being a populist rather than a tea partier), and at least so far, the inclination of most Americans towards Russian and Chinese imperialism is to make America great the same way the “Greatest generation” got its name, but opposing them.

    Republicans will probably prefer someone other that Biden, and that rules out Trump as the nominee.

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