WATCH: Frum Reporter Jake Turx Questions Top Advisor Over Biden’s Disastrous Poll Numbers

FILE - Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese speaks during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, Sept. 8, 2021. President Biden’s top economic adviser expressed confidence Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021 that the White House's $1.85 trillion domestic policy package will quickly pass the House this week, saying it couldn’t come at a more urgent time as prices spike higher for consumer goods. “Inflation is high right now. And it is affecting consumers in their pocketbook and also in their outlook for the economy,” said Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, file)

Frum White House reporter Jake Turx on Tuesday questioned Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese – a top Biden administration official – over the president’s communication with the American people.

“If the president is communicating effectively, how do you explain and make sense of his low poll numbers?” Turx asked Deese during a White House press briefing.

Turx’s question came after poll tracking firm FiveThirtyEight showed that President Biden’s average approval rating is 40.9% – the lowest of any president at this point in their presidencies dating back to 1945.

“I will just say this,” Deese responded. “The president always tasks us to focus on what are the right policy decisions and what are the right policy choices to try to advance an economy that has been his animating feature of what he wants to get to done for years. Which is how you build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, where working families have more opportunities.”

“We have made historic progress in that direction because of some of the hard and difficult policy choices that this president has made,” he continued. “But we now have to address this issue of rising prices. The president has been focused on that for some time. We need some help from Congress for some of the issues we’ve discussed.”

Former President Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and Gerald Ford all had lower average approval ratings that Biden at some point early in their presidencies, but Biden caught up with them – and has now surpassed them.

“Only 10% of Republicans and 28% of independents approve of President Biden, while 72% of Democrats still do,” an analysis by Reuters’ Ipsos polling, which found Biden at just a 36% approval rating said Tuesday.

“However, among Democrats Biden has seen a 10 point drop from two weeks ago when 82% approved of him, a driving factor for his lower overall approval rating,” it further noted.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Wonder if he asked during the last administration, the immoral lying adulterer averaged 41% throughout, why such poor numbers.

  2. No thank you. Askonim have always acted with respect to authority. What do we gain from this? I understand that it’s a typical reporter question. I understand that we have the right to ask such questions. But our relationship with the umos haolam is not typical and we don’t always find advantage by excercising our rights.

  3. Bishtei Einayim is right

    The scary part is 72% of Democrats think he is doing a good job..

    This country has got a large population of dumb people and they get to vote

  4. rt: You obviously don’t like Trump but his administration was plagued with an immoral FBI, DOJ and complying media. Biden is much more crooked and a bigger liar than Trump ever was but he gets a pass because of the media. Covering up Hunter Biden to protect the president’s dealings and giving him a pass on terrible decisions does a disservice to America.

  5. When a reporter with a yarmulke asks a potentially inflammatory question – the White House doesn’t see a nasty reporter – he sees a troublemaking Jew. Not a good idea.

  6. rt:
    That would be because the PR arm of the DNC, known as “the Media” relentlessly hounded President Trump with one hoax/invented lie after another, consistently lying/telling/brainwashing the American people how bad he was.

  7. i agree with Bshtei_Einayim. I just want to point out the distinction. Jewish or frum doesn’t mean necessarily mean in a religious sense but rather in a cultural sense. I don’t mean that in a bad way but most aspects frum culture originate from Torah but shouldn’t be mistaken for Torah itself. For example, I may eat cholent and vote Trump for religious but that doesn’t make cholent or Trump religious. Another example Ami is mostly not a religious magazine because only about 1 in 50 pages have any Torah on it. Maybe if Turx would attempt show that distinction there would be less chillul hashem or anti jewish sentiment coming out of what he does.

  8. Turx is a good guy, and there’s nothing technically wrong with this, but let the Newsmax or Fox news people practice this type of effectively biased journalism, and let visibly Jewish reporters “press the press” on matters that concern us more directly.

  9. Did Biden’s spokesperson tell Turx “that was not a fair question” and that he “should sit down”? Let’s not forget the egotistical response of Trump to Turx’s praise laden query.

  10. Ami is hardly a frum or religious magazine. It is entertainment reading that caters to a certain segment of the frum community. And while Turx is a frum person he is not a representative of frum people and his politics is decidedly right wing and pro Trump which may be fine but has nothing to do with Yoddeshkeit.

  11. Forgiveness of student loans. Hey, what is a few hundred billion anyway? I get the feeling they are purposely trying to deflate the dollar to pay back debts by spending programs and income reductions. Cut IRS staff so cant collect taxes anymore, cut military so cant fight wars anymore, the mail delivery has unprecedented fails, mass shootings with gun grabs for the law abiding and unvetted immigration via open borders, they wonder about gun violence but Hollywood and video games glorify non stop killing without purpose, being a non patriot Communist is glorified, criminals are being let free and the police derailed via defunding, riots in the streets from medical dictatorship and endless make you rich unemployment. They are teaching 5 year olds to change their gender and the Koran and the Hadith when your back is turned, parents have no say in schools and antisemitism is rampant Jews are vanishing……When people say its time to leave the USA and head home to Israel they mean it!

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