Report: Embattled Toronto Mayor Ford Already Breaking The Law In Reelection Campaign

rob-ford-gestureEmbattled mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, is already off with a shaky start in his reelection bid. Hisd newly minted campaign has already managed to commit a likely violation of election rules on Monday afternoon with a website that included a grand total of two sentences, The Toronto Star reports.

The two sentences included his city email address and mayor’s office phone number.

“Thank you for visiting the website,” the site,, began under a red-white-blue “Ford For Mayor” logo. “If you would like to contact Mayor Ford please send your inquiry to [email protected] or 416-397-FORD (3673).”

The Star noted Toronto’s “elections rules are clear: candidates are not allowed to use city resources or facilities to support their campaigns. That included email accounts, phone lines, and city hall offices.”

Following the revelations, the Ford campaign fixed the problem by Monday night. The website now says: “Thank you for visiting the website. If you would like to contact Mayor Ford please call 416-233-6934,” which is the mayor’s home number.

Mr. Ford’s main rival, former councilor David Soknacki, launched his mayoral campaign on Monday morning in studiously high-minded fashion and refused to take any real shots at the scandal-plagued mayor.

An automated response that was sent to people signing up to the campaign website, read: “Thanks for your interest in David Soknacki’s campaign to ‘stop the crazy train’ and bring politically courageous, experienced and professional leadership to city hall.”

Mr. Soknacki’s spokeswoman Supriya Dwivedi told The Star,that the Soknacki campaign is not calling the Mayor himself crazy.

“It’s not referring to Ford,” she said. “It’s first and foremost a play on gravy train. The ‘crazy’ train refers to the general ‘craziness’ at city hall in terms of media circus when all the international media was parked outside and the dysfunction at council.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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