VIDEO & PHOTOS: YWN Video Prompts Award to Lakewood Chaverim

YW-Chav Lkwd Award-14.jpg(VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS AT END OF ARTICLE) Chaverim of Lakewood finally got the recognition they deserve last night, as they were awarded a resolution by the State of New Jersey, presented to them by the Lakewood Township Committee and NJ State Senator Bob Singer.

As many YWN readers know, Chaverim was started just a few years ago to assist folks with car-lockouts, flat tires, boosts, and other car related emergencies. They are a totally volunteer organization, and operate 24/6. Chaverim has since spread throughout the entire NYC, Monsey, Lakewood, Kiryas Yoel, Montreal, Catskills, and cities where there is a Jewish population across the globe.

Chaverim in Lakewood has been operating for a few years now, consists of 35 volunteers, and respond to anywhere from 40 to 70 calls each day.

“They have since undergone thorough training and have all become “CERT” certified, assist is rescue operations along with the OEM (Office of Emergency Management), and assist Hatzolah in searches for missing people”, Deputy Mayor Meir Lichtenstein said at the ceremony.

Just a few weeks ago, YWN had posted a story titled “EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & PHOTOS: Lakewood Hatzolah Rescues 100 People Stranded In Flood Waters” [Click HERE for link], regarding a freak-storm which swept through Lakewood, and dumped many inches of rain in a few minutes – flooding streets. Attached to that story, YWN had posted video footage of Chaverim volunteers assisting numerous folks to safety, and pulling car submerged underneath flood-waters to dry ground.

“The video is what got the ball rolling”, Committeeman Menashe Miller told YWN. “After seeing first hand the work of Chaverim, the committee felt an award was apropos, and Senator Bob Singer arranged for a state resolution to be written”.

Saying a few brief words Lakewood Police Chief Rob Lawson thanked Chaverim for the important role that they play in the community. “They free up our officers from car lockouts and allow them to focus on their job as crime-fighters”, Lawson told the gathering.

VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS: Click HERE for video footage and click HERE for photos of last nights award ceremony (courtesy of YW-41).

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

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