TERRIFYING: Frum Girls Narrowly Escape Brazen Carjacking in Boro Park [VIDEO]

A group of frum girls were nearly carjacked and kidnapped during a terrifying and brazen attempted carjacking at a Boro Park gas station on Sunday night.

According to reports, the carjacker jumped into a Honda Odyssey occupied by three girls as it was being filled with gas at 18th Avenue and 60th Street, in an attempt to make off with it.

“He was totally cursing them out the whole time they were in the car with him,” the mother of one of the girls told YidInfo. “They started screaming as soon as he got inside, so he locked them in. Who know what kind of plans he had for them!”

“While they were screaming in the back seat, my daughter put her hand in the front seat and unlocked the door, so they were able to get out.”

Once the girls hurriedly exited the vehicle, the carjacker fled with it. Unfortunately for the thief, the vehicle’s keys were taken out of the car by the girls, meaning it won’t restart once it is turned off.

However, the vehicle is still missing as of this writing, with Boro Park Shomrim and the NYPD conducting a search for it – and the thief who made off with it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. wouldnt eric gonzalez call this a property crime and therefore as usual get the perp out of jail moments after he got arrested?

  2. In the old days, this would have never happened.
    Once the old Italians left the neighborhood, it want to Chinese, who are perfectly OK, and Muzzies, who are what they are!
    Italians PROTECTED the neighborhood!

  3. kach, the Italians besides on staten island and maybe howard beach have abandoned NYC, Bay Ridge resembles Gaza.

  4. “Thank you Hashem for protecting us”. This is what it was, a message to recognize the truth that Hashem runs the world, and say thank you.


    IF YOU HAVE TO, have take your keys and lock the doors!!!!

  6. Nebach these girls, but they’re smart, they took along the keys, and escaped from the front.
    Hope they recover from the trauma

  7. Shomrim!! and police!, be aware!!
    all Honda odyssey’s has the following safety issue , this is the second video of such kind on theyeshivaworld
    the below is what i wrote to Honda customer service

    Can’t lock car from outside when ignition is on, criminal’s take advantage, very dangerous, review clip of carjack attempt with 3 big girls in it.
    Again ! not possible to lock car from outside when ignition is on, keyknob just doesn’t work.

    the following message is for all.
    so you know the driver of this car is totally innocent, if there is no way you can leave the car for a second to pick something up or take gas etc. doesn’t make any sense. you cant turn of the ignition when its very hot or very cold outside when the car is full of people big and small children etc.
    and the thieves knows of this breach , they are looking for an odyssey turned on and the driver seat empty they know the car is open …

    To the owner of this car please sue HONDA!

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