Mid-Year Resolutions That Make Financial Sense

Did you miss the boat for making New Year resolutions last January? If so, do what some creative types do and make mid-year instead. In addition to making just one, consider aiming for multiple goals. After all, you did get a late start. What are the most effective Q3 ways to improve your life? Choose simple but powerful actions that have the potential to make a long-term impact on your financial situation. That way, you get the luxury of focusing on a single category in which you wish to make improvements but can leverage the power of several tactics at once. It’s like pointing a laser beam at the target.

What are the most popular resolutions as summer approaches and working adults everywhere are hoping to save money? In addition to using coupon apps to save money every time you shop, think about lowering monthly expenses by refinancing education debt. Or, simply get a micro job to bring in extra cash, sell all the stuff tucked away in your home, or cut fuel use by driving less.

Lower Your Monthly Bills

Have you ever said to yourself this will be the month when you finally get your finances in order? If you have a student loan you’ve been paying on, that statement could come true right now. That’s because you can take a major step toward financial health and better organization by refinancing education debt and saving a significant amount of money almost immediately. When you choose

student loan refinance, the application process is quick and easy. Additionally, you essentially transform the old loan into a new one and gain access to lower payments and better terms. Refinancing a college or graduate school loan is a mid-year resolution that delivers fast and positive results.

Use Coupon Apps

Coupon apps are one of the simplest and fastest ways to chop personal expenses. Download one that appeals to you. Some are more geared for groceries, while others are designed for major purchases. Use both if you want but download at least one to your phone and start spending less money every time you make a trip to the store.

Get a Micro Job

There are plenty of online micro jobs that can help you get the money you need and pay decent hourly wages. Whether you want to work an additional hour per week or more, the choice is yours. Options include tutoring, freelance writing, testing website functionality, taking consumer surveys, and many more. Just adding two hours per week to your schedule means an extra 100 hours of paid work that goes toward your annual income. For most online jobs, that amounts to around $1,200 that can go toward savings, a retirement fund, or a vacation.

Drive Less

If you’re a daily commuter to work, try taking public transportation a day or two each week. On weekends, try to combine errands and cut down on unnecessary car trips. With the price of gasoline at record highs, those two simple changes can put a lot of cash into your pocket. The other benefit is that your car will last longer, and you’ll learn to navigate your city’s bus routes.

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