New York City Resident Tests Positive For Monkeypox Virus

This 1997 image provided by the CDC during an investigation into an outbreak of monkeypox, which took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), formerly Zaire, and depicts the dorsal surfaces of the hands of a monkeypox case patient, who was displaying the appearance of the characteristic rash during its recuperative stage. As more cases of monkeypox are detected in Europe and North America in 2022, some scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks in Africa say they are baffled by the unusual disease's spread in developed countries. (CDC via AP)

A New York City resident has tested positive for the virus that causes monkeypox, state health officials announced late Friday.

The unidentified patient is isolating and treating the case as positive while awaiting final confirmation by the Centers for Disease Control.

New York City public health officials said Thursday they were investigating two potential cases of monkeypox, a rare virus rarely seen outside of Africa that can cause flu-like symptoms.

Testing ruled out the other case, the state Health Department said.

The apparent infection in New York comes as the World Health Organization has identified about 80 cases globally, and roughly 50 more suspected cases. Health officials in Massachusetts confirmed its first case of monkeypox on May 18.

New York state and city officials will try to determine how the New York patient was infected. City epidemiologists have begun reaching people who may have been in contact with the person.

The virus originates in primates and other wild animals, and causes fever, body aches, chills and fatigue in most patients. People with severe cases can develop rash and lesions on the face, hands and other parts of the body.


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