Chicago: Alert Issued Regarding Person Fraudulently Collecting Tzedaka

pushka.jpgVaad Hatzdakoes of Chicago has asked YWN to publicize the following alert:

“It has come to our attention that there is a man (23 Years old, clean shaven) raising funds for an organization called “Yad Latet”, a soup kitchen. He sometimes collects for himself claiming that he is a choson (he is married).

He has all the right documentation including 2 very warm letters from HaGoan Reb Nosson Tzvi Finkel shlita. One for an organization headed by a Rabbi Katz (he claims this is his uncle) and one letter for Pinchus Cohen, a choson.

After confirming that the Rosh HaYeshiva did NOT write those letters, we are asking anyone that meets this young fellow to take away those letters and do anything necessary to stop this fellow from soliciting funds.

In Chicago he went to numerious Shuls and after davening potched on the bima and gave a heartwarming speech about his organization and/or hachnasos kallah, and how much Rabbi Finkel is mikarev him……….

Please pass this alert to others.

(YWN Chicago Reporter)

2 Responses

  1. The guy is probably long gone from Chicago already- especially if he knows people are on to his scam. I hope that wherever he is, he will be caught.

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