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Photos – Newly Appointed Inspector at 70 Pct Meets With Clergy of Community

YW-70 Pct With Clergy-052.jpgCommunication with a community is a top priority in the NYPD, and that was the point of last weeks meeting between the 70 Pct’s newly appointed commanding officer, Inspector Ralph Monteforte and clergy from all faiths.

At the meeting, the Inspector introduced himself to the members of the clergy, and told them how he looks forward to working with the community.

YWN spoke with Raphael Treitel, who is a liaison between the Jewish Community and the NYPD who told us that strong cooperation and communication between community and police is of utmost importance, and that is exactly what the new Inspector stands for.

[Click HERE for photos] 

The people which attended the meeting said that there had not been such a gathering where the police were reaching out to the community in the 70 for many years, and all feel that appointing the Inspector at the “70” was a smart choice.

The Inspectors replaced Thomas Harris, who was at the 70 Pct for many years, and retired at the end of April – as reported HERE on YWN.

YWN wishes the new Commanding Officer of the 70th Pct, Inspector Ralph Monteforte the best of luck in working together with the community.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / Photo Credits: Hillel Engel)

One Response

  1. I know Raphael(RAFI) Treitel. He is very committed to the neighborhood and to Klal Yisroel at large. He is an active Hatzolah member in Flatbush and he is constantly involved behind the scenes trying to help a fellow Yid. He was recently honored by Agudah. He not only is involved in the Flatbush area (70 Pct.) just all over NYC and beyond – I saw him in action arranging help for someone as far as Los Angeles CA.

    Keep up your good work!

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