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Midwood, Brooklyn: Pilot Program To Double Parking Meter Rates

pm.jpgNY1 Reports: After his plan to charge people more to drive during peak hours failed, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has come up with another idea to reduce traffic – “congestion parking”.

City officials confirmed today that they plan to implement a pilot program this fall that would double parking meter rates during peak hours.

The goal is to increase turnover in parking spots, so drivers will spend less time looking for parking, which, in turn, could cut down congestion and pollution.

In Greenwich Village, one of the test areas, parking meters currently charge 25 cents for 15 minutes. Under the new plan, a quarter would only buy six or seven minutes of parking time. The test area in Greenwich Village stretches from Houston Street to Charles Street — including parts of Sixth and Seventh Avenues.

Another test area is along a stretch of Kings Highway in Midwood.

The city is studying parking patterns in the two areas to determine the hours when the higher rate would be charged.

11 Responses

  1. Mayor Bloomberg wants our money. He figures he has nothing to lose since his term limtis are almost over. He is making bike lanes all over the city. He does not like cars and he is all in favor of high gas prices. He has gone from being a good mayor to a buisnessman who wants all of our money.

  2. Yidden, The time has come to organize a protest against this discrimatory “congestion parking”. There is no question that our community of Midwood is being singled out for a “test area” because we are law abiding citizens that pay our parking fines. See how much success they would have in collecting fines in Harlem or Bed-Stuy. Please politicians and leaders help us, the middle class tax base before we are forced to move out of NYC!

  3. I will wait until the City finally charges 25 cents a minute for parking and then, BL”N, finally move out of this Gehinnom like I always wanted to. There are still places out there where they don’t treat people like sheep ready to be fleeced. And where, pray tell, are all our polititions and “Chushuva Askanim” to tell Bloomberg that “WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!”

  4. “The goal is to increase turnover in parking spots, so drivers will spend less time looking for parking, which, in turn, could cut down congestion and pollution.”

    But how about giving the person shopping in those stores time to shop?

  5. Our areas – BP, Midwood and Flatbush have THE highest number of tickets written in the city!!! I think it’s because we actually PAY — so they keep on coming

  6. #10

    Thanks so much for making the point. Our wealthy mayor doesn’t struggle to make ends meet. Therefore he is out of touch with the majority of the citizens of NYC.

  7. Ditto rebsholom (#7). Boro Park has more double parked cars then anyplace! It causes tremendous traffic jams on 13th that makes the idea of going there horrible, despite the great shopping. Except during the summer when a lot of BP’s are in the country.

    So why doesn’t the parking violations bureau stop excusing every petty excuse for the tickets that they issue for cars on 13th Ave. How do I know that’s true? Because I work for NYC and deal with community boards, including Brooklyn 12.

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