COUP UNDERWAY: Putin Will Be Gone Before End of Year, Ukrainian Spy Chief Says

(Alexei Nikolsky, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Ukrainian spy chief Kyrylo Budanov says that “cancer stricken” Vladimir Putin is on his last legs as leader of Russia, and that he believes the tyrant’s reign will hit a “breaking point” over the summer that will culminate in his downfall.

Speaking to Sky News, Budanov said that this “breaking point” will come in late August.

“Most of the active combat actions will have finished by the end of this year. As a result, we will renew Ukrainian power in all our territories that we have lost including Donbas and the Crimea,” Budanov said.

“It will eventually lead to the change of leadership of the Russian Federation,” he predicted. “This process has already been launched and they are moving into that way. They are moving in this way and it is impossible to stop it.”

Budanov added that Putin is in “very bad psychological and physical condition, and he is very sick,” adding fuel to rumors that Putin has cancer and possibly Parkinson’s.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. He is late with all his illnesses they should have come at least a year before. His legacy will be right next to Hitler’s. The sooner he dies the better it will be for Russia Ukraine and the world. Hope he has a slow and painful death

  2. It is really shocking to see Jews who have no grasp of the Shoah or even modern-day affairs. The modern Ukrainian State votes 100% against Israel at the UN. The people who post here, often could not care less that our Bubbas and Zeidas were gassed by Ukrainian guards at places like Treblinka by people like John Demjanjuk (Yimach Shmo) or that 100,000 Ukrainians served with the SS. Did someone wave a magic flag to make the hatred go away? Open a history book. Not everybody is your friend. People can be lamein the brain.

  3. “The sooner he dies the better it will be…..” “Hope he has a slow and painful death”. A little contradiction there #emesayid

  4. “Coup underway” — that isn’t what the text of the article said.

    It said Putin is in poor health, and combined with a humiliating failure of this foreign and military policies (Ukraine is unconquered, NATO has expanded radically and is building up its armed forces with fighting Russia in mind), he will probably leave office in the foreseeable future.

    The article never said “coup”. It said nothing about any sort of unconstitutional change. Russia has had only one extra-legal change in its history (leading to a civil war that left the Communists in charge). The most likely route to change, rather than a coup, would be for the groups the matter most to let it be known its time for Putin to retire, and the bodies in charge of such matters will remove him if he doesn’t. Seizing power by force is very unlikely in such a large country, and with well developed political institutions. A “coup” in a nuclear power would be very dangerous, which makes it unlikely, and especially in one that can change leadership without one.

  5. Let’s pray for Mr. Putin,

    He will be remembered as the leader that fought antisemitism and made russia (and hopefully very soon Ukraine, Moldova, Poland & Finland) a place where jews can leave in peice and freedom

  6. Let’s pray for Mr. Putin,

    He will be remembered as the leader that fought antisemitism and made russia (and hopefully very soon Ukraine, Moldova, Poland & Finland) a place where jews can live in peice and freedom

  7. And if you think that he would be replaced by someone better, you’re DELUSIONAL!
    Russian was, is, AND ALWAYS WILL BE an evil empire!

  8. There are over two hundred and fifty thousand Jews who enjoy religious freedom in Russia. The Ukraine will not be around in a few months and you will always have to deal with Russia. Russia and Putin should be given proper respect. The so-called Jew, Zelensky had his children baptized in the Ukraine Orthodox Church. Ukraine is not a democracy. They also use torture and execution. Grow up! Study some history. Stop believing the media. They lie about everything. Ask an elderly Jew what life was like in the Ukraine. I can only suspect that those who hate Putin belong to a very organized group that has a well-known political lobby. Yeshiva and “woke” don’t mix!

  9. Berish
    Delusional much?
    What do YOU know about Putin or how life is in Russia?
    You’re about as much an “expert” on Ukraine and Russia as sleepy Joe!
    AOC knows more about Putin than you!

  10. JayD
    Are you retarded, or are you on Putin’s payroll?
    He was a piece of garbage when we were both kids, growing up on Backsov Street in Leningrad!
    He’s still a piece of garbage today!

  11. FYI to all the Russia / Putin lovers here, it was Russia who forced Israel to stop the 6 day war dead in it’s tracks, Keep the mosque up and call back all the Arabs who were then running for their lives to stay in Israel! This act is responsible for most if not all the suffering from the Arabs until today.

    The only world power today standing in the way of Israel “finishing off” what they did not do in 1967 (other than the Jews themselves) is Russia.

    Israel b”h has more than enough firepower to deal with the Arabs, the majority of the other nations are waiting for the geula as much as the jews are, hence it is Russia / Putin who is the sole obstacle today (aside for the Jews themselves) to chasing out the Arabs and building the Beis Hamikdash!

    Russia’s involvement in the six day war is recorded history.

    From the Guardian;

    How Six Day war almost led to Armageddon
    New evidence of 1967 Soviet plan to invade Israel shows how close the world came to nuclear conflict
    Israel and the Middle East: special report
    Isabella Ginor in Jerusalem
    Sat 10 Jun 2000 02.45 BST
    The morning of June 10 1967 was “a time of great concern and utmost gravity” in the White House Situation Room, according to Llewellyn Thompson, a former ambassador to the USSR turned presidential adviser. A message had just been received over the Moscow-Washington hotline threatening Soviet military action that would lead to a nuclear confrontation. New evidence now reveals what action the Soviets were preparing: a naval landing on Israel’s shores to prevent its total victory in the Six Day War.

    The Soviet Union had played a central role in escalating tension in the Middle East and had falsely accused Israel of massing forces on the Syrian border. For the first time, Moscow sent much of its Black Sea fleet into the Mediterranean and backed up the Egyptian president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, when he blocked Israeli shipping in the Red Sea and demanded the removal of the United Nations force from Sinai.

    In memoirs published recently, Nikita Khrushchev said the USSR’s military command persuaded its political leadership to support these steps, knowing they were aimed at starting a war to destroy Israel.

    On June 5, after Israel launched a pre-emptive strike against its Arab neighbours, the Soviet prime minister, Alexei Kosygin, had activated the hotline to Washington for the first time since it was installed following the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.

    “I went into my office every morning at seven o’clock,” said the then secretary of defence, Robert S. McNamara. “At 7.15 the telephone rang. ‘Mr Secretary, this is General Smith in the War Room. Kosygin is on the hotline and wants to talk to [President Lyndon] Johnson…what should I tell him?’ I said: ‘Why the hell do you ask me?’ He said: ‘The hot line ends at the Pentagon.’ It wasn’t even a telephone line then but a teletype, and I didn’t even know it ended there.”

    Mr McNamara called the sergeant standing guard outside Lyndon Johnson’s door and ordered him to wake the president. Within fifteen minutes they and the secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had begun what became a nearly continuous conference in the Situation Room.

    On June 10, according to Kosygin, Israeli forces were heading for the Syrian capital, Damascus. The US no longer had a manned embassy in Damascus and – incredibly – had no independent assessment of the Israeli offensive on the Golan Heights. The director of the CIA, Richard Helms, was called in, but the best he could do was to try and reach “friendly powers” which still had missions in Syria.

    ‘A grave catastrophe’

    Kosygin’s message went on: “A very crucial moment has now arrived which forces us, if military actions are not stopped in the next few hours, to adopt an independent decision. We are ready to do this. However, these actions may bring us into a clash which will lead to a grave catastrophe … we purpose [sic] that you demand from Israel that it unconditionally cease military action… we purpose to warn Israel that if this is not fulfilled, necessary actions will be taken, including military.”

    Mr McNamara recalled: “In effect it said: Mr President, if you want war, you’ll get war.”

    The presidential adviser McGeorge Bundy later remembered that there had been “considerable discussion about what in fact the Soviets would be able to do to the Israelis if they did try to carry out their threat. The Russians’ possibilities were really not that impressive.”

    But now a first hand account from one of the Soviet officers involved reveals that the Soviets were nonetheless poised to invade Israel.

    In June 1967, Yuri Khripunkov was a young gunnery lieutenant on board a BPK (large anti-submarine ship) of the Soviet navy, part of a large reinforcement for the Mediterranean flotilla which had arrived from the Black Sea base of Sevastopol in early May.

    In an interview, Mr Khripunkov, now 59 and a respected writer and educator, said that when Arab-Israeli hostilities broke out, his captain ordered him to raise and command a 30-man detachment of “volunteers” for a landing on the Israeli coast.

    Similar parties were being assembled on all the 30-odd Soviet vessels in the Mediterranean: a total of some 1,000 men. “There was also one BDK with about 40 tanks and maybe a battalion of infantry,” Mr Khripunkov said. His platoon was ordered to penetrate Haifa – Israel’s main commercial harbour and naval base.

    Only one of the ship’s sailors refused to “volunteer”. He was later transferred off the ship but not otherwise punished. Mr Khripunkov himself had no hesitations – “I was young and foolish,” he said – even though the seamen were neither trained nor equipped for a commando raid on land.

    “What were we supposed to accomplish, with my pistol and the sailors’ AK47s? ‘Get in there and see,’ they told us. ‘Wipe out the enemy forces’.”

    “It was a different world then. I had a holy faith in it all – the red flag, my officer’s oath. We were going on a sacred mission, the [Israeli] aggressors had assaulted these poor Arabs and we were going to let them have it. Today I’m wiser and I probably wouldn’t do it.”

    Mr Khripunkov’s account confirms how near the Soviets came to implementation of a “contingency plan”. An officer of the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) later told a senior American analyst that the defence minister, Andrei Grechko, and his team wanted to “provide the progressive Arabs with a unique and historic achievement – the destruction of Israel” for which “they would remain eternally beholden to Moscow”. Though the Soviets were confident of the Arabs’ capability to defeat Israel, the contingency plan was prepared.

    While the landing force would probably have been overcome by Israel, it might have caused substantial casualties – and might have halted the Israeli advance. But as Mr Khripunkov points out, the gamble was much larger: globalising the conflict.

    “There would have been no Israel left if we had landed. I’ve studied ‘special weapons’, and even without a hydrogen bomb, 10-15 warheads would have been enough,” he said.

    Mr Khripunkov and his men were well aware they were little but pawns in a global power play. “A thousand men was nothing for the USSR,” he said.

    “They started counting at 5m. Each side wanted to demonstrate its dominant role _ The US sends in the [Sixth] Fleet. We bring in our Black Sea squadron. They send in spy planes. We start preparing a landing in Israel. The Israeli tanks move through Sinai and are ready to skip over the Suez Canal. What then? We land our force and world war three begins? We knew it was going to happen, that the whole world would be destroyed.”

    This was the “grave catastrophe” threatened by Kosygin.

    A member of the Israeli general staff at the time recalls hearing that a Soviet landing “had been discussed as a theoretic possibility at cabinet sessions”, but there is no evidence that Israel or the US knew the particulars of the impending operation.

    Mr McNamara dismissed the suggestion that, ironically, Israel itself may have prevented an early warning of this threat when its warplanes attacked and disabled the American intelligence ship Liberty in the Mediterranean on June 8, thus probably crippling US capability to eavesdrop on Soviet ships in the region.

    But the ships never landed and Moscow’s failure to intervene caused the Soviets considerable trouble with their other proteges, particularly Cuba.

    Immediately after the Six Day War, Kosygin hastened to Havana to placate Fidel Castro’s anxieties and, according to the CIA cable, “informed Castro that the USSR had been prepared to aid the UAR [United Arab Republic, Egypt’s official name] in the struggle against Israel but Field Marshal Amir [Abdel-Hakim Amer], chief of the UAR armed forces, told the USSR that the UAR intended to stop fighting within several days.”

    Fear of domination

    However, the CIA later reported that Amer and a powerful faction in the Cairo leadership had wanted to prevent total Soviet domination of Egypt.

    The Soviets made their threat over the hotline only when Syria too appeared to be on the verge of defeat. Thompson was “impressed how much greater Soviet sensibility there was to the plight of the Syrians than to that of the Egyptians. At the time, the Syrians were the apple of the Russians’ eye”.

    After Kosygin’s menacing message was received, the US under-secretary of state, Nicholas Katzenbach, was dispatched from the Situation Room to “call in the Israeli ambassador and put pressure on the Israelis to accept a ceasefire”. The Israelis, presumably informed of the Soviet threat, did – after completing their conquest of the Golan.

    The main taskforce of the Sixth Fleet had been circling in the central Mediterranean. On June 6, Johnson had remonstrated to Kosygin because the Soviet media was repeating Nasser’s “invented charge that US carrier aircraft had participated in attacks on Egypt … you know where our carriers are”.

    When the “auxiliary ship” Liberty was attacked, Johnson told Kosygin that the USS Saratoga was ordered “to dispatch aircraft to investigate”. So on June 10, said Mr McNamara, the fleet “was steaming west, toward Gibraltar, on a training exercise”. Now, following Kosygin’s threat, it was sent into the fray.

    “President Johnson and I,” said Mr McNamara, “decided to turn the fleet around and send it back toward Israel, not to join with Israel in an attack on Syria – not at all – but to be close enough to Israel so, if the Soviets supported a Syrian attack on Israel, we could come to Israel’s defence with the fleet, prevent Israel from being annihilated.”

    The story, as filtered down to Mr Khripunkov’s crew, was that “Brezhnev [Leonid, then first secretary of the Communist party] and the president got on the phones and realised that half an hour after we landed the world would be in ruins. And that was that.”

    His ship, which had at last been ordered to head for the Israeli coast, turned back and the landing was aborted. That day, Moscow severed diplomatic ties with Israel.

    The landing plan remained a potentiality and appears gradually to have become known to the US and Israel. In February 1968, a CIA cable spoke of “the first information received regarding Soviet plans to participate in a limited Arab offensive against Israel … the Soviets will actively aid the Arabs in gaining back the territory lost in the June 1967 war.”

    However, the document, recently declassified in a heavily censored form, states: “The Soviets made it very clear that Israel is here to stay and they will not … facilitate its destruction”.

    • Isabella Ginor is an Israeli journalist specialising in the former USSR who arrived in Israel from Russia a few months before the events described in this story.

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