FIRST REPORT: Lakewood Police Make Multiple Arrests In Stabbing & Bat Attack!

lpd.jpg9:00AM EST: (VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS AT END OF ARTICLE) Lakewood Police Chief Rob Lawson has just informed YWN that the Lakewood PD arrested three suspects on Wednesday night – all wanted in the recent stabbing incident, and robbery/assault incident with a baseball-bat.

A total of three male suspects (1 Hispanic, and 2 African-Americans) were arrested in regards to the stabbing three days ago on Forest Avenue (reported HERE on YWN), and in regards to a bat assault/robbery at the Welsh Farms a few weeks ago (reported HERE on YWN).

Additionally the LPD arrested two females in regards to the stabbing incident.

“I am extremely satisfied that these arrests were made”, Chief Lawson said told YWN. “This was a dangerous gang of thugs who were responsible for two vicious crimes that have been thankfully removed from the streets of Lakewood”.

All three suspects are being charged with armed robbery in the stabbing incident, and each is being held on $750,000 bail [no 10% option!]. The two females are being held on $10,000 bail.

The detectives who worked diligently on the case were Detective Steve Wexler, Lieutenant Detective Joe Isnardi, and Sergent Detective William Rodriguez.

Additionally, early Thursday morning, Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agents, in conjunction with the Lakewood PD apprehended & arrested six illegal Mexican immigrants, who will all be deported from the USA. They were all arrested due to their conviction of felonies and gang involvement.

The Lakewood Police Department under the leadership of Chief Rob Lawson must be publicly commended on their outstanding detective work – which ended in these recent arrests!

A press conference is scheduled for noon-time today at the Lakewood Police Department.

UPDATE: Click HERE to see video footage of the press conference, and click HERE to see photos (credit to YW-41 for the photos).

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

29 Responses

  1. Good work! THIS is what they need more of-proper law enforcement to rid the area of undesirables;the ones who hurt everyone. The community must also come to court in large numbers when these thugs are charged and sentenced

  2. tell them we thank them, we really do! but something still has to be done to prevent these types of events in the first place – there is a culture of “no-fear” out there now, with the police left to clean up afterwards. there has to be an aggressiveness on the part of law enforcement BEFOREHAND, as with these deportations – the bad guys have to feel pressure, not that they rule…. Altz min hashamayim!

  3. You know its very nice that they caught these guys, but you put it in bold lettering?The cops here solve one out of every ten cases.They are understaffed,and don’t get the job done.Shod we Thank them for this capture of course,but don’t start gushing all over chief Lawson and his PD they are far from producing at a decent level

  4. Thank you LPD!

    On a personal note: Thank you Detective Steve Wexler for this great job and for the great job you did when you caught the thief that broke into my home last winter!

  5. Thank you Lakewood Police for your hard work. Hey Judgie Wudgie, time to throw these stinkin animals into the electric chair! Oh, this is Lib Jersey where that doesnt exist. How about solitary confinment for life?!?

  6. one of the suspects in the robbery stabbing used the creditcard which was stolen at a gas station in toms river. a shoteh!!

  7. The LPD withthe Ocean County Sherrifs invsetigation unit did an excellent job.

    At the time of the victim beaten with the bat was being investigated I was amazed at the detail of the investigative police officers from both departments.

    it some time takes longer then expected- but they get them.

    keep up the great work LPD

  8. Kudos to the LPD for their hard work. I just don’t understand the charges. Armed robbery? Are you kidding me? Armed robbery is a charge for when someone pulls out a weapon and demands money, etc. They actually stabbed him! Multiple times! How about aggravated assault?

  9. I assume that police just charge the most obvious charge. The rest they leave to the DA to decide, as it can be classified in different categories (Aggravated Assault, Attempted Man-Slaughter, Atempted Murder etc.)..

  10. Did I overlook something? I did not read where these suspects were “IDENTIFIED”, either by the victim or witnesses. Reserving my comments about many within the LPD, I will say that it is possible they took a grab of three among MANY of the criminals who freely loiter downtown and stand against light posts, and pinned this crime on them since the LPD is, in the opinion of many nearby departments, as being beyond inept, in many cases, to the point of damaging investigations and ruining chances for justice.


  12. Something fishy is going on in Lakewood. Every few weeks there is either an assault or a stabbing or an abduction or armed robbery. I think its time for the Lkwd people to start migrating toward Mexico. I hear the situation overthere is relativly stable.

  13. Thank you LPD and OC Sherrif’s Department for doing a quick job in getting these thugs off of the street.
    To Blue Pinky, the three males arrested were all charges with 1st degree robbery, 2nd degree aggravated assault, possesion of a weapon for unlawful purpose and unlawful possesion of a weapon. In addition one of them was charged with attempted murder. Don’t worry, they are not getting away easy.

  14. Thank you very much Lakewood PD for your hard work. May G-d bless you and protect all the officers as they do their dangerous and vital work.

  15. to #14 he is in the hospital in stable condition. but he is in a lot of pain with two punctured lungs. he has a long road to recovery.

  16. Bchasdei Hashem they hopefully found the correct perps.A big thanks goes to the Lakewood P.D.for catching them so quickly. Does anyone know where they lived?? Please don’t tell me that they lived in Coventry!! 😉

  17. thank you LPD you did a great job, keep it up and lets toghether make the streets of Lakewood the safest streets in the world.

  18. i agree with lakewood Shelonu. We are VERY lucky to have Detective Wexlar in our town. Everytowns PD should be as lucky to have a Wexlar in their ranks. Steve Wexlar for Undersheriff!

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