PLUMMETING: Biden’s Approval on Economy Continues to Crater

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds President Joe Biden’s overall approval up slightly, but suffering from brutal marks on a number of issues important to Americans, particularly the economy.

President Biden has an overall approval rating of 42% according to the poll – up from a low of 37% in February – but a worrying 57% disapprove of how he has handled the economy, while just 38% approve of his economic policies.

Biden’s worst numbers came regarding his handling of inflation – just 28% approve of his handling of the issue, while a whopping 68% disapprove.

With prices soaring in the U.S. and analysts warning of an impending stock market pullback and recession, Republicans are now leading Democrats on a growing number of issues heading into the November midterm elections.

50% to 36% trust Republicans over Democrats on the economy according to the same poll, and 47% to 35% trust the GOP over Democrats on the issue of rising crime.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Hey Americans, don’t fret! He’s Democrat so everything will be Hunkey Dory. Madam Nancy will be along her dufus and smile through it all.

  2. The right wing white Washington Compost and ABC News are clearly disseminating “disinformation”, according to the big failure himself, Alejandro Mayorkas. Merrick Garland should have these domestic terrorist editors arrested immediately.

  3. Yup but his overall approval numbers are up as are Dems on the generic ballot but of course that would not be a YWN headline.

  4. But what can the Republicans offer? While policies such as cutting the budget (reduce spending of items that are popular, and especially on military spending) or raising taxes to reduce consumer demand (especially on the middle and lower classes, for whom tax cuts will result in the most reduced consumer spending) would cut inflation, they are politically unpopular. One can advocate raising “other” people’s taxes, and cutting only programs that benefit “others”, but that won’t work. And if one favors rebuilding the American military to Cold War levels, that is very expensive.

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