FBI Director: Level of Violence Against Cops an Unprecedented Phenomenon

(AP Photo)

FBI Director told CBS’ 60 Minutes program that violence against police officers across the United States is a crisis that is far outpacing general violent crime and that it doesn’t get enough attention.

Wray said that murders of police officers rose 59% in 2021, with the U.S. losing 73 police officers to violent attacks over the course of the year.

“Violence against law enforcement in this country is one of the biggest phenomena that I think doesn’t get enough attention,” Wray said, noting that police are killed at a rate of 1 every 5 days.

“Some of it is tied to the violent crime problem as a whole,” he continued. “But one of the phenomena that we saw in the last year is that an alarming percentage of the 73 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty last year were killed through things like being ambushed or shot while out on patrol. … Wearing the badge shouldn’t make you a target.”

“We’re seeing more and more juveniles committing violent crime, and that’s certainly an issue. We’re seeing a certain amount of gun trafficking, interstate gun trafficking. That’s part of it. And we’re seeing an alarming frequency of some of the worst of the worst getting back out on the streets,” Wray added.

The National Fraternal Order of Police said earlier this month that shooting of police officers so far in 2022 are up 43%, and that 101 cops had been shot this year as of April 1st.

“We are in the midst of a real crisis. The violence directed at law enforcement officers is unlike anything I’ve seen in my 36 years of law enforcement,” said National FOP President Patrick Yoes. “Last year was one of the most dangerous years for law enforcement, with more officers shot in the line of duty since the National Fraternal Order of Police began recording this data.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Gee, I wonder why. It couldn’t possibly be because the Democrat Party, to which Wray has sold his soul, has spent years propagating a vicious BLOOD LIBEL against police officers, successfully convincing black people that the police are their enemy, that the police are murdering black people, and that black people who are doing nothing wrong are in danger from police. Every Democrat statement that “Black Lives Matter”, every condemnation of a policeman for treating a black criminal like a criminal, every person who “says the names” of black thugs who died as the result of their own criminality and stupidity, directly contributes to this bloodshed. Blue lives matter.

  2. Fake news. Wray is part of the vast right wing conspiracy and basket of deplorables. As Chris, and the smelly rotting sack beans currently occupying the White House, Joe Biden, spewed forth, THEE greatest threat facing this Nation is WHITE SUPREMACY!!! It’s those middle class privileged WHITE parents who are domestic terrorists because they disagree with their school board’s decision to force 7 year olds to learn about Heather has two mommies and CRT, while waiting in line wearing their disposable mask to use the gender neutral bathrooms and safe space.

  3. Ultimately When a police officer minds his own business and he doesn’t do things on “Davkah” nobody will Bother them.
    The problem starts with unprofessional police officers that do things on “Davka”

    People don’t understand That Cops are “Not” you’re friends.
    So next time you see a Cop tell yourself
    In your mind
    Lo Miuktsoo Vloo Miduvsho”
    I can see why they are being treated for the way they are being treated
    Mishley wrote that a person that stayed away from their ego
    Will end up getting respect
    And unfortunately
    As of right now we are in a new territory
    The freedom that we have is only how we process the News
    We are no longer free and people take their frustration on the police
    They are not the קרן they are certainly the תולדה

  4. Simon:

    You’re drinking the koolaid. There are unprofessional doctors, cops, sanitation workers, lawyers, etc. (Check the yellow pages for more.) The cops that do their job fighting crime, put their lives on the line, and maintaining law and order earn credits that neither you or I deserve. So let’s cut out the foolishness. Yes, the lousy cops give the rest a bad name. But on the whole, we need them. And the current curse of wokeism makes it difficult for them to do their job without baseless accusations directed to destroy them. So we could end up with the “utopia” of the Squad and the other motral degenerates of the Democratic party, utter chaos, lawlessness, and socialism. I’ll choose the current arrangement, with quite a few of the powerful people replaced with true humans. Meanwhile, all cops, including the majority of good ones, get blamed and trashed unfairly.

  5. Shimon, is that supposed to be a joke? Because you have it exactly backwards. Police are not supposed to mind their own business. Their business IS enforcing the law and arresting criminals. And when they do it, that is what gets criminals upset. But when they see that the political authorities don’t give a dam about their safety, and will not have their backs when they run into trouble, they start to do exactly what you said — mind their own business, ignore crime (at least if it’s committed by black people, which it usually is), eat some more doughnuts and count the days to retirement. Don’t engage with criminals, lest they chas veshalom hurt one of them and get thrown to the wolves. And that is why we have more crime, and more shot cops. Wray is part of the problem, so it’s a chutzpah for him to talk about this.

    This is the same piece of garbage Wray who has devoted all the FBI’s resources to hunting down political protesters from Jan-6-2021. This is the same piece of garbage who LIED HIS FACE OFF pretending that a Lego set — still in its box! — was a nefarious “terrorist blueprint”. Trump made a big mistake appointing him, and should have fired him as soon as he realized it. Probably Trump’s biggest flaw was that he made some terrible appointments, who turned around and bit him.

  6. Re Milhose’s first comment: The term “blood libel” has a very specific application to anti-Semitism, and I would expect Jews not to apply it to others wrongly accused of wrongdoing. Please find other words to describe the alleged smear against police, e.g., the “blue libel”. And just to be clear, I think you are utterly wrong about the alleged libel against police.

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