Dozens Of NYC Teachers Investigated Over Fake Vaccine Cards

The New York City Department of Education is placing dozens of educators on unpaid leave to investigate whether they tried to use fake COVID-19 vaccine cards to meet city requirements to continue working in the school system.

School spokesperson Nathaniel Styer said, “Fraudulent vaccination cards are not only illegal, they also undermine the best line of protection our schools have against COVID-19 – universal adult vaccination. We immediately moved to put these employees – fewer than 100 – on leave without pay.”

The United Federation of Teachers, which represents district employees, says approximately 70 of its members were contacted by the Department of Education.

“We are reviewing appropriate legal action to potentially challenge the DOE’s unilateral action in removing these employees from payroll,” the union said in a statement.

(Source: Fox 5)

10 Responses

  1. Anyone who ever falsified a vaccination card, is so depraved, and so lacking of any decency & scruples, that they need to be locked away for life without possibility of parole.
    They are ticking tome bomb menace to decent society, and don’t deserve to be free to infect decent society.

  2. Nonetheless, when a government imposes illegal and insensible regulations–that are against the Nuremberg Laws enacted internationally over 70 years ago (aside being obvious from ‘mere’ common sense), people are apt to rebel and take matters in their own hands. This is another reason why the current liberal democratic administration is criminal––because of their tyrannical foolishness with no respect for responsible science, or reasonable sensitivities.

  3. They should be removed! They defrauded the entity in which they’re entrusted to uphold and pass on the the next generation! They may not decide on their own, period. They must follow their company’s regulations. They can challenge it but that’s it! These people defrauded the DOE and violated the trust we entrusted them with. They are law breakers.

  4. How exactly did they “undermine the best line of protection our schools have against COVID-19” ?

    Even Dr Fucci himself publicly confessed that the jabbed (with this non viral sterilizing / leaky “vax”) equally transmit.

    @147 not sure if you’re being deliberately sarcastic or nonsensical.

  5. Chalev, I happen to agree with you totally with regard to the covid vaccine mandate, but comparing it to the holocaust is disrespectful, inappropriate and totally inaccurate. All it does is harm our cause.

  6. Chaylev Halyah, you really owe an apology to all those Yiden who suffered so at the Holocaust. How dare you draw any parallel? It’s a shameful comment. I’m sure you’re laughing now. It’s a shameful comment.

  7. And yet, nobody seems to mind the fact that we’re being used as Guinea pigs by the government and pharma and are forced to get injected with an untested “vaccine”!
    I’m sure Rabbi Glatt has no problem with that, but some of us actually STUDIED history! Mengale used us as Guinea pigs too!

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