SHOCK: Poll Finds Most Americans Still Want Masks on Planes

Travelers wait in a security line at Love Field in Dallas, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. The major airlines and many of the busiest airports dropped their mask requirements after a Florida judge struck down the CDC mandate and the Transportation Security Administration announced it wouldn't enforce its 2021 security directive. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

A majority of people in the United States continue to support a mask requirement for people traveling on airplanes and other shared transportation, a poll finds. A ruling by a federal judge has put the government’s transportation mask mandate on hold.

The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that despite opposition to that requirement that included verbal abuse and physical violence against flight attendants, 56% of those surveyed favor requiring people on planes, trains and public transportation to wear masks, compared with 24% opposed and 20% who say they are neither in favor nor opposed.

Interviews for the poll were conducted last Thursday to Monday, shortly before a federal judge in Florida struck down the national mask mandate on airplanes and mass transit. Airlines and airports immediately scrapped their requirements that passengers wear face coverings, and the Transportation Security Administration stopped enforcing the mask requirement.

But the Justice Department said Wednesday it was filing an appeal seeking to overturn the judge’s order. That notice came minutes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asked Justice to appeal the decision, saying “an order requiring masking in the indoor transportation corridor remains necessary for the public health.”

The poll shows a wide partisan divide on the issue. Among Democrats, 80% favor and just 5% oppose the requirement. Among Republicans, 45% are opposed compared with 33% in favor, with 22% saying neither.

Vicki Pettus, who recently moved from Frankfort, Kentucky, to Clearwater, Florida, to be near her grandchildren, said she enjoys the view of Old Tampa Bay but doesn’t like the “very lackadaisical attitude” by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, about masking. She said she will continue to wear her mask to protect against the coronavirus, including around her 55-and-older home community and on the plane when she travels to Kentucky in a few weeks.

“Especially in a plane where that air is recirculating,” said Pettus, 71, an independent who leans toward the Democratic Party. “I think people are really dumb not to wear their mask. But, hey, that’s their decision, and if they want to get sick that’s fine. I’m not going to.”

But Kriste Lee, who works in sales in South Florida, can’t wait to fly mask-free the next time she travels next month.

“I really wish I was on a plane when they made that announcement,” said Lee, 47. “I would have been dancing up and down the aisle.”

The continued public support overall for mandating masks on transportation comes even as worries about COVID-19 are among their lowest points of the past two years. Just 20% now say they’re very or extremely worried that they or a family member will be infected. That’s down slightly since 25% said the same just a month ago and from 36% in December and January as the omicron variant was raging. Another 33% now say they are somewhat worried, while 48% say they’re not worried at all.

Count Betty Harp, of Leitchfield, Kentucky, as among the “very worried” and not because she’s turning 84 next month. She said she takes care of her large house and yard by herself, does a lot of canning and is in “fantastic health for my age.” But she’s lost a lot of friends and family to the virus, which has killed nearly 1 million people in the United States.

“I know COVID is still here. It’s still around,” said Harp, who described herself as a Republican-leaning independent. “I think we should all be wearing masks for a little while longer.”

In another AP-NORC poll conducted last month, 44% of those surveyed still said they were often or always wearing face masks outside their homes, though that was down significantly from 65% who said that at the beginning of the year.

The latest poll also shows about half the people favor requiring masks for workers who interact with the public, compared with about 3 in 10 opposed. Support is similar for requiring people at crowded public events such as concerts, sporting events and movies to wear masks.

On these, too, there are significant partisan divides. Seventy-two percent of Democrats favor requiring people attending crowded public events to wear masks, while among Republicans, 25% are in favor and 49% are opposed. The numbers are similar for requiring masks for public-facing workers.

Lee, who said she doesn’t “do politics,” wondered aloud why people are complaining about the judge’s ruling and said nobody is stopping anyone from wearing masks if they want to.

“We all have our beliefs and obviously different views,” said Lee, who is unvaccinated. “Mine are definitely different from the people who are angry and upset.”

Employed people are divided on whether those working in person at their own workplaces should be required to wear masks. Thirty-four percent say they’re in favor of that requirement, 33% are opposed and 33% are neither in favor nor opposed. Among workers who are Democrats, 48% are in favor and 18% are opposed. Among workers who are Republicans, 53% are opposed and 18% are in favor.

Mike Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, said messaging over the mask mandate would have been more effective if it required N95 or KN95 respirators, which are more effective at preventing transmission of the virus.

“But you have actually created a real challenge with yourself with the public who are now being selective if not outright angry about these mandates,” said Osterholm, who added that he will continue to wear his N95 mask on planes.


11 Responses

  1. Fake poll
    Every person that his brain is still functioning and not damaged by the lack of oxygen due to masking. Wants it removed

    Flights now have maybe 5% of people with masks

  2. This is no doubt a poll that’s far from objective. First of all, who sponsored it––very suspect that it wasn’t big pharma or deep-heeled liberal democrat groups that are vested in the ‘irrational fear movement’ that profits from mask-wearing. Secondly, unless we know otherwise, it is probable to presume they picked people to poll who either were wearing masks are had other indicators that they were likely for this irrational and degrading practice.

  3. What idiots. Especially this one: ““Especially in a plane where that air is recirculating,” said Pettus, 71, an independent who leans toward the Democratic Party.” What a moron. Where on earth did she get the idea that the air on a plane is recirculating. That is an outright falsehood. She is simply an ignorant fool, so of course she “leans Democrat” (I’d bet a great deal that that means she has faithfully voted Democrat for years but wants to appear more open-minded.)

    But I doubt this poll is even close to accurate. There are a lot of idiots out there, but not *that* many. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that mask mandates are completely useless, and those who still wear them do so only as a token of party loyalty. The finding that 44% of people still wear masks outside their homes is just not credible. Look on the streets, even in Democrat strongholds, and you will see that no more than 10-15% of people are wearing masks.

  4. FAKE POLL!!!

    58% yes
    20% No

    You know this is FAKE. The 58% are out of the 2% of crazies who want it (they probably asked them other questions until they figured what they will say regarding the mask o

  5. I agree. The poll is fake, and does not describe the criteria for who was included. AP is very left, so there’s no reason to trust them on this poll, especially since “eineinu roiois” that almost no one is wearing masks on planes anymore. It flies in the face of reality, so let’s forget it

  6. I believe this poll. If Americans would not want the mask they wouldn’t wear it in airports and other places like I and many others who did not wear masks the last year despite the unconstitutional mandates. Many people cannot take off their masks and many even wear it outdoors while walking alone…


    Tucker Carlson had this on his show and it was proven to be a hoax. This was all based on a parody tweet. OMG you guys also feel for this, but it’s okay so did the NY Slimes!!! Their writer was in contact with the author of the tweet who told her it was PARODY but she ran with the “story” story anyway.

    PT Barnum was right!

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