Adams Exploring “New Tech” Bag Checks to Detect Weapons in NYC

(AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura File)

NYC Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday that the city could soon roll out new technology and periodic bag checks to prevent future attacks similar to the one carried out on a New York City subway on Tuesday.

“With the gun detection devices – oftentimes when people hear of ‘metal detectors,’ they immediately think of the airport model,” Adams said on MSNBC Wednesday morning. “Those are not the only models that are available. There are new models that are being used a ball games or parks, hospitals, where you’re not stopping to go through your belongings. You’re simply walking through a device.”

“We are going to explore new technology to make New Yorkers safe,” Adams continued. “And we believe we have a new technology that we can use in the subway system that many passengers are not even going to be aware that they are walking past a device that could detect weapons. And we’re excited about the possibilities.”

The mayor said that in the previous three weeks, the NYPD had confiscated upwards of 1,800 guns, claiming that 10% of them were “ghost guns” – weapons that are untraceable because they are manufactured or assembled at home.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The catalyst incident yesterday probably was fabricated to provide a pretext for new security measures planned long in advance.

  2. We all know that they have the most advanced technology out there. They can spot a golf ball in someone’s jacket pocket from space. So why does the TSA still make every lemechel take their shoes and belts off every time they pass thru airport security??? Why do they still make everyone throw out their water bottles??? I’ve never heard a legitimate answer yet. Big government overreach. It’s the same with mask wearing. All about control.

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