GOP Pollster: Republicans “Laughing” at “Child” Trump Behind His Back

(AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Republican pollster Frank Luntz claimed in an interview that elected Republicans are privately “laughing at” former President Trump, who they see as a “child.”

Luntz made the comments to The Daily Beast in reference to Republican New Hampshire Governor Chis Sununu, who publicly slammed Trump and called him “crazy.”

“The press will often ask me if I think Donald Trump is crazy,” Sununu said at the Gridiron Club dinner. “And I’ll say it this way: I don’t think he’s so crazy that could put him in a mental institution. But I think if he were in one, he ain’t getting out!”

Luntz said he doesn’t know “a single Republican who was surprised by what Sununu said. He said what they were thinking.”

“They won’t say it [in public], but behind his back they think he’s a child,” Luntz added. “They’re laughing at him. That what made [Sununu’s comments] significant.”

“Trump isn’t the same man he was a year ago,” Luntz asserted. “Even many Republicans are tired of going back and rehashing the 2020 election. Everybody else has moved on, and in Washington everyone believes he lost the election.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. Child is an interesting description. It took a child who did not know better to simply point out that “the emperor has no clothes”.

    most AMERICANS still want Trump – and random ppl with an agenda and ZERO credibility cant change that.
    “studies”, heh? like “studies” on covid and all that BS.

    lets just change the headline:
    SOMEONE SAID such and such…….
    who cares? why is that news? its not even a soundbite!

  3. I think they are just jealous of his popularity. I wonder what they say about Biden behind his back. I doubt it would be that harsh

  4. Shame on Yeshiva World for posting this article. The people who contributed to this article are obviously Trump haters. With Trump the United States was prospering, and now under Biden, not only is the United States unstable, but the whole world is unstable. It will only get worse as they are pushing to have grade school children be educated in areas that are not tzniusdik. Does Yeshiva World want that to happen? It is already happening in New Jersey, and believe me, the yeshivas will not be exempt. By posting such an article that belittles Trump, Yeshiva World is contributing to the direction that the Biden administration is promoting. I personally don’t think Trump can fix what is happening in this country, and only Moshiach can, but we need to recognize that Trump and his followers can be a force to be reckoned with. Take for example, the situation with Disney — by boycotting their institutions, they will eventually have to sing a different song. So, it is not at all helpful to the cause of yashrus and emes, to denigrate President Trump. Whatever his shortcomings, and we all have them, he was a good president, not only for the United States, but also for Eretz Yisrael, and we should make that uppermost in our evaluation of this man.

  5. Luntz is not a Republican. He even admitted it last year, but in fact he has always been a liberal. His main income is as a lobbyist for left-wing corporations such as Google. He’s always been an enemy of Trump and a friend of Biden. So his saying this is not interesting; of course he would say it whether it was true or not.

  6. We need a pollster to tell us what a joke Trump has become. His MAGA local campaign events are so predictable in terms of his rehashing his long-list of imaginary grievances and recollecting all the wonderful things he accomplished. In most cases, he either forgets he is there to promote candidates for the 2022 election or is reminded as an afterthought. Ninty percent of the time is Trump begging to the audience to REMEMBER ME!!! The same bedraggled audience seems to show up at each event like a bunch of 70s era groupies following thier favorite rock band from city to city.

  7. Let’s be honest this article and the pollster hate TRUMP, they hate conservatives and they hate Hashem.

    Trump called them out, no one has had the chutzpah to call out the EVILNESS aid the Washington establishment, so they hate him.
    Does Trump sometimes say or write childish things? Absolutely! But we would take that any day over the PHONY Washington politicians… Trump did great things, for the country and for the Jews specifically, anyone who says otherwise is BLINDED by unadulterated HATE

  8. Hopefully this is the true sentiment of the GOP. It is time for the GOP to return to it’s true conservative roots and rid itself of Trump and his cronies.

  9. Best friend Israel ever had in the White House, but off course Jewish libs and “orthodox” antisemites (you know, the ones who claim to be “orthodox” but actually HATE Israel) would never stand for it!

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