WATCH: Texas Plans to Ship Illegal Immigrants On Charter Buses to Steps Of U.S. Capitol In Washington, D.C.

Greg Abbott (Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered the state to charter buses to send illegal migrants to the steps of the US Capitol, and has ordered the inspection of every vehicle coming in from Mexico.

Abbott acknowledged that the additional inspections will “dramatically slow” traffic into Texas, but said he was committed to taking “unprecedented” steps to stop the endless surge of illegals into his state.

State officials also said that they would charter as many buses as necessary to drive illegal migrants the 28 hours from Texas to Washington, D.C., with the intention of seeing how pro-illegal immigration lawmakers handle a massive influx of undocumented immigrants into their stomping grounds.

Abbott said Texas and other states are expecting a rise in illegal migrants crossing into the U.S. next month, when the Biden administration lifts Title 42, which forced them to remain in Mexico while waiting for an immigration hearing.

In addition to the above steps, Abbott said authorities will place boat blockades, ship container blockades, and razor wire at low water crossings and high traffic areas to deter people from attempting to come in.

The Texas National Guard will begin preparations for a migrants surge on Thursday, and will be outfitted with riot gear to help quell possible violence as migrants are blocked from entering.

“Texas will continue to evaluate threats that are posed by the [Biden] administration’s open border policies and these unprecedented illegal border crossings,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Well governor, why didn’t you do this when the highest flow of illegals in history occurred during the trump administration???

  2. Rt, you’re funny

    It used to be that you accused trump of putting kids in cages (which was really started by Obama) now you accuse him of allowing illegals in (which was really started by Biden)

    I guess it’s all part of TDS

  3. Being that there’s a low supply and high demand for labor right now, why do people think this is so bad? Do people in this country really want to clean their own houses and trim their own bushes?

  4. Idiot. Trump did everything possible to stop the invasion, and was sabotaged at every stage by the Democrat Party and its pet corrupt judges. The Democrats actively encouraged the invasion, and Biden tripled and quadrupled down on that. Now he says he will end the one measure that partially succeeded in reducing the flow. He does so KNOWING AND INTENDING that it will at least double the number of invaders.

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