Canadian Court Adjourns Lev Tahor Cult Case Until January

lev-tahorA court decision on a child services case involving the Lev Tahor cult, won’t be decided until the new year.

A judge in Chatham Monday adjourned the hearing until Jan. 10.

Earlier in the day a judge heard from lawyer Iain Mackinnon that the media should be allowed to attend and report the ruling in a child service case involving 14 children belonging to Lev Tahor. Chatham-Kent Children’s Services opposed the motion.

CTV’s Chris Campbell was at the proceedings, where the judge lifted the ban, stating the matter is of public interest. The judge also ruled in favour of allowing media access to Lev Tahor court filed documents, under the stipulation that names of witnesses and children go unreported.

On Nov. 27, a Quebec court ordered the 14 children into foster care, after the group fled to Ontario amid an investigation into alleged child neglect.

Approximately 40 families with Lev Tahor left Ste-Agathe-des-Monts, Que. in November, and relocated to Chatham.

(Source: CTV)

3 Responses

  1. A court decision on a child services case involving the Lev Tahor cult, won’t be decided until the new year.
    לפני שבר גאון

  2. This cult does not represent the Jewish people in any way, in fact the cult leaders are big sinners, extremer’s, vicious people, who do not deserve to be called Jews. Erez Shlomo Hellbrans should still be rotting in jail from his arrest in the 90’s for the kidnapping of Shai FhimaErez.
    This Evil Cult leader: Mobster: Kidnapper: Solomon Arez Helbrans and his son Nachman are monsters that have been accused of hitting children with tire irons, forcing loving couples to divorce, forcing little girls at the age of 12 into marriage with old men 40-50 year old, forcing children to wear small size shoes, forcing people to get “nude” so he can give them 39 lashes, placing people in solitary confinement for up to six month, denying people of nutritious food, issuing monetary fines, placing little children and babies with strange families against the wishes of parents, forcing people to take psychiatric pills without being diagnosed properly by doctors, he does not allow them to have a job, he forces them to go begging for money for himself, YES for the mobster. What an evil, dirty, disgusting, way of life.

    Every single Jewish organization on earth has been rebuking them, even in public, as this is no different than the David Koresh cult in Waco, or the Jones-town cult. We should be keeping a spotlight on this fraudster as much as possible and call it what it really is: “A REAL CULT. Their cult “leader” and evil son Nuchman are two VERY dangerous man, who uses mind-control techniques to pray on the weak minded. Plus the child and women abuse. Especially Nuchman his son cannot be trusted, he is a big huge lire without even a drop truth.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Google for: the rest of the story on: Lev (lo) Tahor.

    Cult leader: Solomon Arez Hell-brans is accused of hitting children with tire irons, forcing loving couples to divorce, forcing little girls into marriage with old men, forcing children to wear small shoes, placing people in solitary confinement, denying people of food, issuing monetary fines, placing little children with strange families against the wishes of parents for periods of two years or more from the age of six months, and forcing people to take psychiatric pills without being diagnosed by doctors.

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