WATCH: Chabad Shliach Brings Matzos to President Trump

At a private Mar-a-Lago reception with Donald Trump,  the former president spoke and discussed his tremendous support for Israel and his firm opposition to the Iran nuclear deal.

He asked Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz if he had any questions, with the shliach responding that he would like to give the president a gift of Shmura Matza.

Joking that the rabbi “looks innocent,” Trump instructed his Secret Service agents to accept the gift on his behalf and thanked Rabbi Minkowicz publicly for it.

Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz shared with attendees John Gibbs, Cofey Anderson and many others at the event about the mitzvah of shmura matzah and its importance to Yiddishkeit.

Dr. Ben Carson, a world-famous former neurosurgeon and a Cabinet member in the Trump administration, noted that matza resembles a brain.

The matzah itself was given as a gift from the Gurevitch family, in loving memory of Rabbi Chaim Gurevitch who was deeply passionate about giving out shmura matzah before Pesach. May Reb Chaim’s neshama be elevated by continuation of this beautiful Mitzvah in his memory.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. Why being proud to bring Mazot to a GOY? That either a mitzwa nor good example for our kids……..

    I wanna read the comments if some politician in EY would do it. Double Standards here

  2. Give it to poor Jewish families or Jewish refugees who are currently fleeing war and not to a GOY!!! There is more need for it and JEWS really would benefit from it.
    Next time you can go to Shaar schem and give Mazot to Hamza and Fatima, it’s the same…..GOYIM, there is no blessing on it.

  3. There is more than one Jew in need who would benefit by that gift of matzoh. I hope it works out that this gift works way to one of those Jews. If not, then this gift is a shondah.

  4. Another stupidity against the Torah. The erev tav who brings a Matza Shmura to a gentile ! Stop avoda zara now !

  5. B”H now Jared and Ivanka will have a little extra for the seder. With the cost of shmura matza these days everyone could use a little extra kimcha d’pischa

  6. We need his love for Jews NOT for Israel. We Jews are not represented by Israel. Israelis shld be safe and sound but ISRAEL IS NOT A JEWISH STATE. Its evrything BUT. Trumpt tries to flatter Jews with his love for Israel but it did did more harm than good.
    We yearn for Mashiach to carry us all to Eretz Yisrael, until then we are Galus Yidden.

  7. In “der alte heim”, yidden would give challah to the shabbos goy.

    In today’s world, the laytzonei hador would howl in their comments:

    “Does a goy need lechem mishne?!”

    “Better give the challah to a poor yid in need!”

    Kulonu chachmim with eitzas, but let us respect the minhagof der alte heim, that yidden share their “Jewish food” with the goy that does them a tova..

  8. BTW – I laughed out loud at the comment of rt “What a demeaning of matzos mitzvah!”

    I feed shmurah matza to my bird on pessach.

    Is that demeaning to the matzah?! Is giving matza to a goy worse than giving it to a goy.

    True the matza is made lishma (even machine matza is also made l’shem matzas mitzva), but that does not give the matza a kedusha.

    Certain foods do have a kedusha. These are:

    Any animal or part thereof dedicated to be a sacrifice, including the Korban Pesach

    Lechem Hapanim

    Mincha offering

    Certain gifts to Kohanim (priests) – Terumah, Terumat Maaser (both from produce grown in Israel), Challah

    In addition:

    Shemittah – produce grown in the Israel may only be harvested and used in certain ways.

    But matza, even hand-made shmura matza, has no kedusha and can be fed to an animal or given to a goy.

  9. Stunned by the comments here. I feel like Moshe Rabbeinu. I haven’t understood why we are still in golus. Then I read the comments here, and think that we still have work to do…

  10. hey all members , you forget everything behind this, No Matzaho to

    Biden because he doesn;t pandor to these Trump righest Lubavitchher
    S…… Shame on you on there including
    Yeshivah world Shame
    and who knows if its not Shfiachhs Doomin this Medina

  11. Ninty nine percent of the time I applaud the work of Chabad. This cheap publicity stunt with the shaliach taking selfies with the Trumpkopf in the background certainly demeans chabad. We see constant ads begging for money to buy matzoh for yidden from the Ukraine and Russia for Pesach and this guy is wasting time/effort to get a photo-op with Trump who just recently called Putin a genius for his acts of genocide, appearing at MAGA rallies with white supremacist/anti-semitic “evangelicals” while a few months earlier calling the former PM of EY a “pathetic loser”.

  12. @rt, gadolhadorah, meet seal of has hem, rafi Cohen:

    While you’re all spending time on the internet writing comments complaining how shluchim are wasting matza on goyim, thousands of shluchim are out there distributing matzos to literally hundreds of thousands of yidden throughout the world.

    If your hypocrisy wasnt so infuriating, it would be hilarious…..

  13. Contrast these:

    Chabad shaliach gives matza to a goy politician. Comments shriek and howl – how dare he give matza to goy when yidden need it!

    BMG Roshei Yeshiva give a goy politician drinks and decorate table with many pumpkins:
    No one complains that they wasted pumpkins to honor the goy (in Halloween Season)!

    Double standard? Just like the U.N. condemning Israel and silent about actions of others.

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