Corzine To Sign Expanded Health-Care Plan

corzine12.jpgNew Jersey is expanding a government health insurance program to cover more low-income families and provide coverage for all children in the state.

The bill to be signed today by Gov. Jon Corzine is viewed as the first step toward requiring that all New Jerseyans have health insurance by 2011. It mandates that all children have insurance through government or a private provider within a year.

It also expands a program for the poor to include more parents.

That program provides free or low-cost medical exams, shots, hospitalization, lab tests, X-rays, prescription drugs and dental and mental health services.

Parents in a family of four that earns up to $27,645 currently are eligible. Under the plan, the income limit would be increased to $42,400.

About 1.5 million New Jerseyans lack health insurance, including 275,000 children. The state budget includes $8 million to start the program.

(Source: Star Ledger / Associated Press)

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