MONSEY HERO! Meir Efraim Turner, Man With Special-Needs, Raises $37,161.00 In Loose Change For Tzedakah

How much is that penny, nickel or quarter in your pocket really worth? In the hands of Meir Efraim Turner, it joins its fellow coins and bills to turn into thousands of dollars for tzedakah!

Have you ever spent time in a hospital? Meir Efraim has, too many times. This differently abled young man in a wheelchair can barely speak—but his sparkling eyes and warm smile say it all. He is devoted to his lifelong mission to help cholei Yisroel and their families in every way that he can.

As the son of an active Hatzoloh member, Meir Efraim hears hundreds of Hatzoloh calls, and knows firsthand how many people are transported daily to various hospitals. He feels deeply for the patients and their loved ones who unexpectedly end up in the hospital with nothing more than the clothing they are wearing.

Meir Efraim never slows down in his quest to help Chesed 24/7 of New Square provide relief for hospitalized patients and their families through their 21 kosher hospitality rooms. These are islands of serenity where you can find the necessities of Jewish life such as Kosher food and drink, sefarim, reading material, tallis & tefillin, and even grape juice, challah, or Pesach matzoh! They also stock emergency room kosher refrigerators, and provide meal deliveries to patients in Tri-State area hospitals.


Meir Efraim also proudly runs the local branch of the Chesed 24/7 Medicine Chest in our home. This service provides necessary over-the-counter medications on Shabbos and Yom Tov in various Rockland County locations when people cannot get to a store.

All of the loose change and dollar bills that generous people like you gave him over the last few years have added up to make a major difference in the lives of thousands of patients and their families.

You may have seen Meir Efraim rolling down the streets of Monsey in his wheelchair, in shul, in stores, and at simchos, pushka in hand. Every year on Purim, Meir Efraim personally hands over his hard earned donation to the representatives of Chesed 24/7 of New Square. This year, he personally raised over TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), bringing his grand total to THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE DOLLARS ($37,161.00).

Quite an accomplishment for anyone—especially for a young man who cannot walk or talk. He is truly a roll model for us all.

Special thanks to his staff R’ Shimon Zalman Steinberg for encouraging him in his efforts and making sure that he gets to where he needs to go.

And of course, to all of you in the community who donate with a smile, making him feel like a superstar. He blesses all of you that you and your loved ones should stay healthy and always have the ability to give generously to others.

And as for Meir Efraim Turner, it is all part of living as a Jew should, using whatever abilities you do have to help others in need.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Take heed everyone…when a Talmud of Yeshiva Bonim Lamokom asks for a donation , don’t look the other way ,& make believe you don’t see him . And maybe give a bit more than $ .25 !!!!

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