GAFFE MACHINE: Biden Tells U.S. Soldiers They’re Going to Ukraine

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

He’s the gaffe machine that can’t be fixed. While speaking to U.S. servicemembers in Poland, President Joe Biden indicated that he’d be sending them to fight in Ukraine.

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a… tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,’” Biden said.

The White House quickly went into damage control mode, issuing a statement “clarifying” Biden’s comment.

“The president has been clear we are not sending US troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position,” a White House spokesman said.

Before the blunder, Biden had been adamant that he would not be sending the U.S. military to Ukraine, which he said would cause World War III to break out.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. All those years Joe spent on the killing fields of Vietnam and Cambodia, alongside Richard Blumenthal, are paying off big time now. Unlike the privileged white male, Trump, Biden fought for this country. Joe is one tough hardened guy. He is the perfect President for this day and age. As we can see, the Russians, North Koreans, & Iranians are petrified of mighty Joe.

  2. Biden is old and cautious and knows enough history to see the similarity to 1914, where a local crises grew into a World War when each side took small steps that in themselves were short of war, but taken together led to a war. Bold steps, such as putting the US and NATO on a war time footing and calling up reserves would almost certainly lead to war (as it did in 1914). Biden is intentionally dragging his feet, since he knows where this likely to lead, and he knows he has to “lie” since the truth is to fearsome to talk about.


    Biden is old and prone to making slips that reveal what is really going on. The only resolution that will settle the matter is a regime change in Russia (not all the impossible, remember Putin was elected – a putsch would not be necessary). Unless the conflict gets resolved, the soldiers the USA has sent to Poland will soon enough be fighting in Ukraine (and/or elsewhere in the region). So stop listening to the “mistakes” (if that is what they are), since they are probably more truthful than when Biden stays “on script”.

  3. To akuperma: Putin may have been “elected,” but a putsch will be necessary to remove him from office, regardless of any purported election results.

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