Interstate Chaveirim – A Decade of Chesed, Helping One Yid at a Time

We all know Chaverim. The phone number securely listed in our contacts along with all emergency numbers. It’s one of those numbers we never want to use but the knowledge that it exists brings a measure of calm. Many of us have experienced car trouble at some point and Chaverim arrived to assist us.

That’s the goal of Chaverim. To be there with a reassuring presence in your time of need. A trusty friend to lean on. In fact if you want to know where a Jewish community exists, check the Interstate Chaverim website for a list of all Chaverim branches worldwide. On average, there’s a new Chaverim branch that starts every six months with the most recent one in Phoenix Arizona.

From their humble beginnings, over twenty years ago, Chaverim blossomed into an enterprise built on Kiddush Hashem. With the launch of Interstate Chaverim in 2012, they once again continued the legacy of love and care for a fellow Yid.

And now, we’re eagerly anticipating Interstate Chaverim’s tenth anniversary. We’re celebrating thousands of calls, helping one Yid at a time.

What is Interstate Chaverim?

Interstate Chaverim operates in areas not covered by an existing Chaverim organization. This includes interstate highways, small towns and states without a Jewish community.

As soon as any existing Chaverim branch receives an interstate or out-of-area phone call, the call is transferred to Interstate Chaverim where one of the experienced interstate dispatchers will handle the call by number one dispatching it to all the members. The Interstate database has over 1,000 registered volunteers from the over 40 existing Chaverim branches. With such a large resource of volunteers and a hefty dose of Divine intervention, there is often a Chaverim member available. In addition, the dispatchers are all trained to assist callers even if there’s no member nearby. From hospitality to mechanics, from tow trucks to eateries, Interstate is a veritable treasure trove of roadside assistance.

Interstate brings Achdus to a new level. A typical call on the Garden State Parkway can involve a few volunteers from different neighborhoods and backgrounds with one goal in mind – to help someone stranded.

Oftentimes, calls can be critical and to get someone help as quickly as possible could be urgent. Interstate has already dealt with Chassanim and Kallos stuck on the road, families on their way to a doctor’s appointment or to the hospital, children locked into a cold or hot car, and even a baby stranded out of town on the day of his bris (a true story). A recent call involved a Hatzola ambulance with a patient on board. The ambulance couldn’t start and needed a boost. BH there was a member close by.

Along with the determination and effort to help someone stranded, there’s the Master of it all orchestrating events in an intricate manner.

Family M. from Lakewood set out on a 10 hour drive one Thursday afternoon to a Simcha in Detroit. Their 12 passenger van was filled to the brim with kids, food and suitcases for the 640 mile trip.

They were just about halfway there at 9:00pm on the quiet I-80 near Exit 133 in Kylertown, PA. The van was rumbling along with the family banter and bathroom requests, when the car sputtered, coughed and hiccupped onto the highway shoulder. A quick look and Mr. M knew the issue was serious. Serious enough that even Chaverim wouldn’t be equipped to help them. They would need to have their van towed to a mechanic.

Interstate Chaverim received the call from the Lakewood Chaverim branch and started working feverishly on getting a tow truck. Not an easy feat in that area. The dispatcher advised Family M. to tip the tow truck driver with the hope that he’ll agree to take the passengers off the highway to a safe location since Uber or a taxi wouldn’t operate there.

The tip paid off. The family stayed in their van on the flatbed of the tow truck to the first available motel. They unloaded the van and the tow truck continued on to the mechanic.

One job done, many more to go. The motel was awful. It was obvious that not too many people frequented the place, and the family was uncomfortable with the accommodations.

Interstate reached out to the closest Chabad, a 45 minute drive, and spoke to Rabbi Hershel Garrari from State College, PA. Although he couldn’t host the family, he offered breakfast in the morning.

After listening to the details, Rabbi Gerrari was quiet. “You wouldn’t believe what I’m gonna tell you now,” he said. “I was planning a trip for my students for the coming Sunday, but since car rentals are closed on Sunday, I made my reservations for a 12 passenger van for Friday!  Two days ago the driver we hired cancelled. This forced us to postpone our trip for next week.

“Listen, tomorrow morning I’ll drive you down to the car rental and the van should be ready and waiting! I’ll give you my reservation.”

At 7:30am Friday morning, Rabbi Garrari picked up Family M. from the motel, drove to the car rental, and in no time, the family was once again headed for Detroit with a gala breakfast courtesy of Chabad! They made it on time for Shabbos and enjoyed the Simcha!

On Monday, they drove the same route, in reverse. They dropped the van at the rental, picked up their now-fixed van at the mechanic and arrived home right on schedule.

With a tiny peek at the way Hakadosh Baruch Hu runs His world.

One Response

  1. forever indebted! i was on the way to a big time sensitive job in philly , i wanted a “good vehicle” so i rented a new uhaul pk up truck , i was puling a trailer…and on the turnpike a tire blew on the pk up… i called uhaul… there is a turnpike number … long story short i waited an hr and gornisht .. i called interstate chaverim it took a little while but 3 amazing yidden showed up … put out flares … wait not over the uhaul had a spare but didnt have the tool to get it down.. so with no choice a chaverim member crawled Under with a small sawzall & cut the spring to release the tire … i had full coverage … WITHOUT THEM IT WOULDVE BEEN SUCH A DISASTER…my suggestion if u call and you can afford it give them a nice tip

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