Video Article: Chanoch Lenaar Al Pi Darko

cl.jpgWhat if there is a way to connect to your child “al pi darko”? What if there is a way of teaching that helps your child be successful academically and emotionally? There is!

Rabbi Jonathan Rietti spent 22 years researching these ways. He has worked with children with ADD, ADHD, and other learning disabilities, and helped develop skills, “al pi Chazal”, that help them master kriah and chumash as well as secular subjects. In a short period of time your child may comprehend shapes, sounds and nekudos, and fluently read before knowing all the letters of the Alef-Beis.

In a series of video programs Rabbi Rietti invites you to learn how to identify the strength of a child and inspire him to learn. He will explain how to help a child see the big picture in life, and encourage him to want to know more as he experiences success. Be a part of these video workshops on and help inspire your child. Click HERE to watch the video.

2 Responses

  1. It would be so nice if our yeshivos would follow the same basic idea. CHANOCH LENAAR AL PI DARKO. What a simple idea. Maybe, just maybe, with a little less pressure, they would be matzliach.

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