Syrian Mass Murderer Assad Calls Zelensky “Zionist Jew” Who “Supports Nazis”

(Johanna Geron/ Pool Photo via AP, File)

Syrian dictator and mass murderer Bashar al-Assad went on a unhinged rant against Ukraine, claiming that is president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is a “Zionist Jew” who “supports the Nazis that killed the Jews.”

“The West has proven that it does not have friends or enemies. It has only one enemy — anyone who stands in the way of its material interests,” Assad said.

“Communism, Islam, Nazism, China, Russia, or anyone else are not the enemies of the West,” he proclaimed. “If they serve the interests [of the West] — they are friends. In other words, they have zero principles.”

“The ugliest truth of them all — and not many people know this — is the lie that the West and Zionism oppose Nazism,” he claimed. “Not many people know that the leaders of the Nazis in Ukraine — Nazi organizations that closely collaborated with Hitler in terms of security, military, and ideology — were driven out [of Ukraine] at the end of WWII, some of them to Europe, and some of them to America.”

“In the 1950s, the CIA asked the American administration to lift the ban on these Nazi groups, because America needed them in Ukraine, which was part of the USSR,” he said.

“What proves these historic facts today is that Zelensky is a Zionist Jew, yet he supports the extremist nationalist organizations that fought [alongside the Nazis] in WWII when Hitler invaded [the USSR], and some of them took part in the massacres committed against the Jews. So how come that Zionist Jew is supporting these organizations? The West supports these organizations, which today are called the right-winged ‘Azov organization,’” Assad claimed.

“And Zionist Israel, which keeps crying about the victims of the Holocaust, supports a leader that supports the Nazis that killed the Jews,” he said. “This proves that the West is lying in everything that it is saying, and it does not care about anything except ruling the world, plundering resources, and filling its coffers.”

Nothing Assad said has a shred of evidence or truth to back it up, but that won’t stop him.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. ב”ה for our Zionists & מדינה and יום-העצמאות, that our Dear Ukrainian Jewish Brethren have a safe haven to escape to, which tragically wasn’t the case during WW2

  2. Unfortunately, there is some truth to what this terrorist Assad says. As a member of the US Army CID (Criminal Investigation Division) in Southeast Asia 50 years ago, I came across Members of Interpol and other US and international organizations who were former nazis. Do some research. You’ll find that the US and other western countries hid and sustained nazis all over the world.

  3. The Ukrainian nationalists in World War II welcomed the Nazis because they saw them as liberators from the Soviets. And the nationalist leaders collaborated with the Nazis in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews. And since 2014 there has been a resurgence of nationalism there and as part of that they began to celebrate the nationalist leaders in World War II as Ukrainian heroes. They recently renamed a major stadium after one of those leaders, a man who collaborated with the Nazis and has the blood of tens of thousands of Jews killed in the war on his hands. And in the fighting that was going there in the east of the country since 2014 Ukraine welcomed white supremacists from all over the world to fight over there. Ukraine gained fighters and neo Nazis from all over the world gained combat experience. So there is some truth to the correlation between Ukrainian nationalism and Ukraine celebrating as national heroes the Nazi collaborators in the war who have the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews on their hands.

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