WILLIAMSBURG: Chaveirim Step Up after Bochur’s Tefillin is Thrown in Trash [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

When a bochur’s tefillin were mistakenly placed in the trash, the UJO of Williamsburg stepped in and, with the help of Chaveirim, managed to retrieve it.

The incident occurred on Sunday morning at the Satmar shul on Myrtle Avenue in Williamsburg, when the tefillin – which were being held in a shopping bag – were unwittingly thrown into the garbage.

The UJO was contacted and in turn contacted Waste Management, where officials stepped in and isolated two loads of trash that had come in from that area of Williamsburg.

A handful of Chaveirim members then went to the sanitation facility to sift through the trash in a desperate search for the lost tefillin. After approximately 2 hours, the volunteers were successful, retrieving the pair of tefillin and returning it to the grateful bochur.

Mi K’amcha Yisroel!

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