MSNBC Host Deletes Hitler Tweet After Outcry

Far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s show deleted a tweet featuring a quote and clip of Stanford professor Michael McFaul after a massive outcry.

“One difference between Putin and Hitler is that Hitler didn’t kill ethnic Germans, German-speaking people. Putin slaughters the very people he said he has come to liberate,” the tweet quoted McFaul as saying.

Hundreds of Twitter users slammed the show and McFaul over the tweet, including the Auschwitz Memorial.

“On a factual note: Hitler did kill ethnic Germans & German-speaking people: those who opposed the Nazi regime, those who resisted, those who did not fit into the ‘Weltanschauung’. He ordered the murder of people with different disabilities & finally the murder of German Jewry,” the memorial tweeted.

The show eventually apologized, though McFaul has remained mostly combative about his wildly inaccurate assertion.

“To those who wrote to me to explain that Hitler committed the same atrocities against ethnic Germans that Putin is committing against ethnic Russians today in Mariupol and Kharkiv, please suggested to me the best scholarly readings on this history. Im(sic) eager to learn,” he wrote sarcastically.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Fellow Jewish Americans:
    Take note…
    According to these chevra we are not Americans. Last time I checked Hitler Y’mach Shemo V’zichro killed 6,000,000 Jews. Hundreds of Thousands of them were as German as we are American. Yet he says and MSNBC retweeted the brilliant observation that Yimach Sh’mo didn’t kill his own ppl.
    According to their logic, we see less American that Ukrainians are Russian.

    Maybe they are right.
    Moshiach Now!

  2. McFaul was right and the PC outcry was wrong. Jews were not Germans. A Jew can never be a German, or a Frenchman, or a Pole or a Russian or any other nation, and everyone in Europe knew this.

    America is different, because the whole concept of an American “nation” is different from all the European nations. America is from the beginning a nation of immigrants, so what makes someone American is not ancestry but culture, and from the very first there was a conscious decision to include Jews in the new nation as equal members. That is the significance of Washington’s letter to Kehal Jeshuath Israel.

    So we are truly Americans as well as truly Jews, but in European nations a Jew can be at most an outsider with citizenship, welcome to participate in the nation’s affairs, but always an outsider. That is why Napoleon offered the Jews equality, but only if they gave up their identity.

  3. Milhouse has a good point.

    I would only add that countries such as Canada (and maybe Australia) would also similarly fit the American model. the rest of the world are pretty much ancestry/ethnic nations so yea i would agree the jews can never be real citizens of these places.

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