“I DID THAT”: Stickers at Gas Pumps Blame Biden for Soaring Prices

A growing number of stickers showing Biden proclaiming, “I did that” and pointing to gas prices are popping up at gas stations across the country.

The stickers first began being placed at pumps last year as gas prices crept up under President Biden, but are now a lot more common with the cost of gasoline skyrocketing to record highs.

Although they are not sponsored or openly supported by any candidates or political organizations, the stickers could actually have a chilling effect on Democrats’ odds at victory in this year’s midterm elections, with motorists reminded each time they fill up who is president – and who might be to blame.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Stickers at Gas Pumps Blame Biden for Soaring Prices with blue back ground, simply to make the upcoming Red Tsunami come November 8th even Redder

  2. Banning Russian gas and oil imports was the work of bipartisan members of Congress who recognize that Russia must be held to account. Upwards of 70% of Americans support banning Russian gas imports even though it means higher prices for gas on the international markets.

    Yes Biden has presided over a record breaking post COVID economic recovery that has caused demand for gas to rise. He has also been willing to punish Russia which has caused gas to rise. So if “He Did It” means America is better off today then when nobody was buying gas during COVID shutdowns and that America finally has a leader that is not obedient to Putin then yes one can say Biden did it

  3. So now the perpetration of a few acts of anonymous graffiti becomes newsworthy?

    Pathetic. YWN, you can do better than this without even trying.

  4. The stupidity of thinking about U.S. energy markets and prices at the pump as somehow detached from global markets is breathtaking. U.S. producers will charge the same as global prices (discounted for a basis differential for transportation costs) unless the government were to impose export controls. A barrel of oil or distilled product in a tanker at sea will migrate to the destination where its spot offload price is the highest at any point in time. Of course, certain refineries can only process certain crudes but otherwise prices clear markets real time on a global basis. If we “cut prices” at the pumps by suspending federal/state gasoline taxes the differential would be pocketed by the intermediaries since they have no incentive to pass through those savings to drivers.

  5. In reality, had the last administration actually moved on covid seriously, then the economic impact would have been much less. The problems we find ourselves in would be much less and easier to remedy.
    As the immoral lying adulterer said some years back, Republican administrations often wreck the economy and the democrats come in and fix it.

  6. Why don’t people use apps like GetUpside to save money? Use promo code DANIEL92639 to get an extra 15¢/gal bonus the first time you make a purchase.

  7. Trump put Jerome Powell as Fed Chairman. Trump pressured Powell to keep interest rates low Trump advocated for insane amounts of government stimulus. To the extent that a president is responsible for inflation one can thank Trump the “faux conservative” as well.

  8. You can bet that had there been a Democrat in the WH in ’20, the stimulus would have been double the amount it was.

  9. That’s unfair. Biden won because he represents a political movement, and he is hardly a leader (by way of contrast, Trump clearly is the leader and ideology setter for the “MAGA”/populist wing of the Republican party).
    The Democrats for some time have been fighting against oil and gas, whether by banning pipelines or objecting to drilling. A key ideology point for the Democrats is that oil and gas should be as expensive as possible, and tough luck for the “deplorables” who won’t switch to wind and solar (with the option of walking to work, and relying on oxen to ploy or horses to commute).

    The stickers should advertise the Democrats way “We did that”.

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