IT NEVER ENDS: TSA to Extend Mask Mandate Through April 18

The TSA will extend its mask mandate for airports, planes, buses and rail systems after consulting with the CDC, according to an administration official and a TSA official. The directive applying to all public transportation and transit hubs had been set to expire on March 18 and now will stay in effect through April 18.

In the interim, the officials say the CDC, which debuted its heavily relaxed mask guidance late last month as COVID rates plunge across the country, will work with government agencies to help inform a revised framework for when, and under which circumstances, masks should be required in public transit.

“This revised framework will be based on the COVID-19 community levels, risk of new variants, national data, and the latest science,” the administration official said. “We will communicate any updates publicly if and/or when they change.”


11 Responses

  1. Wow. So the science has changed yet again! So now, ONLY in airports and on airplanes can one catch Covid and die. Not in Shuls, mikvah, supermarkets, superbowl, libraries, dirshu conventions, business offices, classrooms, public swimming pools, laundromats, etc etc… ONLY on airplanes! [“Onboard, all A4A carriers have aircraft equipped with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration systems and all comply with or exceed CDC guidance.”] Dictator Fauci and Walensky are creating new science every morning. They are all powerful. Mamesh amazing. New gods to worship. Are the American people that dumb and stupid???!

  2. So sad that TYW adds immature and slanted headlines to AP reports. “It never ends ” is not reflected in the article. Clearly there is an agenda to your news.

  3. It doesn’t take awfully much brainpower to take note that this extension is quite month & not 4 months as most of the previous extensions were, so pretty assured סימן that mandatory 😷 on public transportation shall be over sooner rather than later.

    Of-course international travel, shall require coordination with other countries

  4. So sad, this means I won’t be going to my parents for Pesach in the end after all… Multiple young children on a long flight is hard enough, to mask everyone and risk the chillul Hashem and wicked stewardesses- not something I’m ready to do… ☹

  5. Jose:
    It seems quite possible that they extended it by a month to give the airlines and airports sufficient time to update their signage and training of their staff.

  6. The heads of TSA and CDC said that absent some new and unforseen surge, this will be the last extension and the mask requirement will be phased out entirely next month. Given everything going on in the world, halevai this should be the WORST INFLICTION on yidden and the goiyeshe velt for the next several weeks. If its just too much of an imposition on your “personal liberty” either charter your own plane or call Uber.

  7. Dora:
    It is an unhealthy requirement that is clearly in force only for political reasons. There is no reason that parents should miss out on seeing their children and grandchildren because of this decree.

    It’s not only an anti-American reduction in personal liberty; it’s also unhealthy.

  8. It’s hard to let go of tyrannical powers I get it

    Hope all this covid hoax criminals face justice in the near future

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