WATCH THIS: JetBlue Boots Flyer for Wearing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Mask

(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)

In what has become an almost commonplace occurrence, JetBlue tossed a customer off one of its aircraft for wearing a mask emblazoned with the message “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Video posted to TikTok shows the man changing his mask after flight attendants told him it was unacceptable, but they still threw him off the plane, despite removing it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. People are getting more stupid. Flying is already stressful enough, especially for flight attendants, w/o these nutcases adding to it with their mindless political messaging. If you can’t control your MAGA lust for several hours, just charter your own jet or stay home and buy an 18 wheeler decorated with MAGA flags and join one of these “freedom convoys” and blow your horn. If you want to fly on a commercial airline subject to FAA jurisdiction, but on some boring mask with cute little birdies or photos of Nancy Pelosi.

  2. Meet the new body that establishes its own laws and enforces them with the rule of the sword. What about First Amendment rights? I personally think that masks with messages are stupid. But allowing airlines to do this is frankly bizarre, and it is only consistent with the thoroughly corrupt values of today’s world. Sdom.

  3. Dorah,

    It’s called “freedom of expression” and while you only seem to advocate for it regarding people like your vile BLM allies, it’s a right that all Americans have, even when flying. Or are you going to attempt your lame “implied obscenity” argument again? Last month you claimed “MAGA hats are fine” but apparently you’ve rescinded your permission since then.


  5. The arbitrary rules on planes are unconstitutional. Whatever slogan you want to wear on your mask or tee shirt is a matter of freedom of speech. Oh I forgot, we’re a communist country now, no more freedoms

  6. People people jet blue is a private enterprise. They can do whatever they want. If they want to throw people off for wearing a Brandon whatever they’re allowed to. If you don’t like it don’t fly jet blue. That’ll teach ‘‘em a good lesson.

  7. There seems to be some confusion

    Freedom of expression protects you from the government

    If you are in my house you have no right to say what you want, If I don’t like it I can kick you out
    If you are in my store you have no right to say what you want, If I don’t like it I can kick you out
    If you are on YWN you have no right to say what you want, If they don’t like it they can kick you out
    If you are on an airplane you have no right to say what you want, If they don’t like it they can kick you out

    In none of those cases can the government (neither State nor Federal) prosecute or punish you for waht you said in myhouse/store/YWN/on plane (with a few rare exceptions)

    This is pretty straight forward

    (to be clear though I think it was wrong to boot the passenger but)

  8. Gadolhadofi, you need to calm down. What gadolhadorah is doing is called satire. It’s supposed to be funny.

  9. searchin,

    If you read more of his posts, especially those on a similar YWN story back on Feb. 16th, you’ll see that they’re not satirical.

  10. ubiquitin:
    Tell that to the PRIVATE small business owners in Williamsburg who were initially fined for putting a sign in their store “requesting” their patrons to dress modestly and respectfully! You can’t have it both ways.

  11. Not getting involved

    No you can’t have it both ways

    They were initially fined for discriminating based on gender. THAT is illegal, discriminating based on political view is not.

    Also as you note they were “initially fined” once they revised their signs to make them gender neutral there was no sign. You can refuse service to those wearing tank tops, you can refuse wearign service to those wearing “let’s go Brandon masks” , For that matter you can refuse service to those wearing masks or to those not wearing masks

  12. Not getting involved

    Yes Really.

    I told the PRIVATE small business owners in Williamsburg, and they replied that they were fined for discriminating based on gender which is illegal under the Civil right Act of 1964 (though they were fined by city govt, so probably under a similar City violation) The Law does NOT prohibit discrimination based on political affiliation. If you think it should, then lobby your congressman, but it doesn’t.

    They went on to point out, as you did, that the fine was dropped (once they made it more gender neutral), proving my point, in their store they CAN prohibit whatever they want, as long as doesnt discriminate based on gender ( or other groups outlined by law)

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