Changing Weather in Texas Suggests Home Insurance Damage Claims Will Rise

Texas has experienced more than its fair share of severe weather and disasters caused by fluctuating temperatures and weather phenomena. Residents of the lone-star state have had to deal with droughts, rain, and freezing temperatures resulting in frozen pipes and increased insurance claims.

With only uncertainty ahead, a warming world will see more frequent natural disasters affecting homeowners. These events highlight the need for understanding the insurance claim process and dealing with claims and insurance adjusters.

Houston, We Have a Problem

Over the last decade, Texas has faced almost every type of extreme weather scenario. In 2011 a heat wave resulting from drought dried up the Texas soil. Six years laters Hurricane Harvey dropped a record-breaking amount of rainfall on the state, causing major flooding.

Most recently in February of 2021 a winter storm left many without electricity for heat. Notably, over 200 people died from the effects of the storm, and the state faces over 20-billion dollars in damages.

What many often don’t consider is the work that comes after the storm, such as calculating the losses and working with insurance companies to receive compensation.

For example, insurance claims typically require insurance adjusters to visit the property and assess the damage, while trying to determine who is responsible under the insurance policy. It is then the responsibility of each homeowner to account for the state of their property before the event happens. This is by no means something residents want to deal with every year.

But according to Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy, global warming will make situations like this more common.

“We always get storm fronts sweeping across Texas from west to east in May and in June,” she said. “That’s normal. We always get severe weather associated with those fronts. That’s normal too. But what’s not normal is the sheer amount of precipitation that’s falling, and that amount is what we can link to a warming world.”

The increased rainfall also means that Texas residents will need to spend more on flood insurance every year to prevent major losses. However, the ones who ultimately decide how much compensation is awarded are the adjusters sent by insurance companies. There are several ways to prepare for dealing with adjusters in order to get an adequate claim settlement.

Climate Poses Risks for Homeowners

Home insurance companies are also responding to changing weather conditions by dropping policies on houses deemed too vulnerable.

One example is 94-year old Betty Fonrose who received a notice from her insurer that they would not renew her policy. The reason, as cited from the insurance company, was to reduce “overall exposure level related to catastrophic loss.”

This happened to thousands of residents during hurricane season, a time when it is most crucial to have an insurance policy.

How to Deal With Insurance Claim Adjusters

A standard Houston homeowners insurance policy can cover damages resulting from various types of extreme weather events. But before any payout, a damage claim has to be submitted and an adjuster will visit the property to asses the damage and confirm the cause.

One way to stay ahead of the game is to keep a detailed inventory of all possessions, including make and model number, as well as original price. Handing this list off to adjusters will help them take everything into account when considering the total amount of damages.

Additionally, photographs or videos of the general condition of the house can help a claimant’s case when the adjuster makes their visit.

It can also be useful to keep notes from everything discussed with an adjuster for future reference. Particularly, insurance claim adjusters will also be keeping note of everything discussed with the claimant in order to make sure the story is true and accurate.

Because of this it is also important to be honest about the true value and condition of property and possessions before the disaster occurred.

These tips can help receive fair compensation after a disaster strikes, but it is still important to carefully review an insurance policy and understand what’s covered. If the weather keeps changing in Texas, Houston home insurance will be crucial to make sure not all will be lost.

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