Gas Prices Soar Over $4 a Gallon For First Time Since 2008

(AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States jumped over $4 on Sunday, marking the highest level it’s ever been at it in 14 years.

The price for a gallon of gas is up nearly 50 cents since Russia invaded Ukraine, and at an average of $4.009 per gallon now hovers near the all-time record-high of $4.114 per gallon set in July 2008.

Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have been urging the Biden administration to ban the import of oil from Russia, though the White House warns that it would only exacerbate the issue of high gas prices. The U.S. currently receives about 10% of its imported oil from Russia.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. will indeed consider blocking Russian oil imports, but will only do so in coordination with European allies.

“The actions we’ve taken to date have already had a devastating impact on the Russian economy,” Blinken said on NBC. “We’ve seen the ruble in free fall. We see the economy heading into a deep recession. We’ve already had a major impact, but we are looking, again, as we speak, in coordination with allies and partners at this prospect of banning oil imports.”

Many have argued that despite the inevitable further rise in gasoline prices, the Biden administration should stop buying Russian oil, arguing that it amounts to the U.S. funding Putin’s war on Ukraine.

“President Biden should immediately reverse his devastating policies that are causing gas prices to skyrocket and are giving Putin leverage against the rest of the world and return to the policies that were working under President Trump to create American energy dominance with gas prices below $2 a gallon,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise told Fox News Digital. “Speaker Pelosi and President Biden’s radical Green New Deal agenda will be a major issue in November’s elections.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Trump made US energy independent. Bidens first move was to undo that progress so we should again rely on foreign oil and have to beg them to increase production. Why should they, when they can sell less and make the same money? Now Biden will blame prices on war, but has he kept the oil production in US high this could have all been averted

  2. Gas Prices Soar Over $4 a Gallon Time for number of Republican seats in Senate to soar and for number of seats in Congress to soar to 435 seats come this November

  3. That is by design. The Democrats, for policy reasons, oppose carbon-based fuels (oil, gas and coal). They consider it a good thing to keep the fuel in the ground, so they opposed mining and drilling, they oppose pipelines, they oppose plants to facilitate export. Unless people are incredibly stupid, they knew all that when they turned control of the country over to the Democrats. Under Trump the US was no longer dependent on foreign energy, but that encourages consumers to make use of cheap energy, which goes against the politically correct environmental policy.

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